
Aug 06, 2005 21:32

Your Name?:
My Name?:
My age?:

Do IT, or I'll be forced to kick people :P )

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dracosuave August 7 2005, 12:19:55 UTC
Your Name?: Drake
My Name?: Laura
My age?: 21

BaSiCs AbOuT mE aNd YoU?:

1] How long have we known each other?: 2 days now.
2] How do we know each other?: We bumped into each other and decided that was fun.
3] Do you know how we met, if so, how?: I said 'Let's meet.' You said 'Let's.' So we met.
4] What was the first thing we said to each other?: 'Are you Laura?'
5] How well do we know each other?: Horribly. You still think I'm not the eventual eater of the world.
6] Do you consider me a best friend?: No.
7] If not, why not?: We... um... er... just met?
8] How close are we?: About 2 feet away

ThOuGhTs AbOuT mE?:
Am I?:
Cool?: Sure.
Crazy?: Absolutely
Fun?: Giddily
Funny?: Spanky
Nice?: If one looks hardenough and dodges the fisticuffs.
Sweet?: More salty.
Perfect?: Thank god no
Happy?: You seemed it last night.
Rich?: Further tastetesting is necessary
Poor?: They don't use 'Poor' on surveys anymore.
Innocent?: Yes.
Horny?: Like the devil.
Slutty?: Just misguided.
Smart?: Indeed.
An Ass?: You have one I think.
Bitchie?: You're Guy Ritchie Bitchie.
Weird?: Indeed.
Dumn?: If you spell dumb like that, maybe.
A Blonde?: Nope.
A Freak?: Supahfreak
Trustworthy?: I trust you without my knives.
Patient?: Hell no.
Shy?: HELL NO.
Outgoing?: You're going the out?
An Alcholoic?: Nope.
A Drug User?: Sure. Maybe.
A Player?: You played me like an Ace-King Onsuit.
Wild?: Like the joker
Useless?: Nope. I find a use.
Rude?: In a fun way at times STOP HITTING ME.
Leader?: Sometimes.
Follower?: Sometimes.

AbOuT Me AnD wHaT YoU kNoW?:
Fave Color?: Black and Pink
Best Friend?: Brandito
My Phone number is?: I ESPOUSE TECHNOLOGY
What School do i go to?: The School of Work.
Do I have a girlfriend/boyfriend, if yes, who?: You have that imaginary one you use to ward off stalkers.
Fave Band?: Rubber.
Fave Song?: Unbreak my heart. (JUST KIDDING)
Fave Food?: Available.
Fave Sport?: *DIRTY THOUGHT*
Fave Subject?: Polisci.
What do I hate most?: Jerkfaces.
What do I love most?: Jerkfaces.
If you couldn't find me, where would I be?: Online. Duh.
What is my Middle name?: YARG.
What is my screen name?: blackwidow84 and our rhubi and or something kinkified.

WhAt YoU FeEl AbOuT Me?:
Am I?:
Hot?: Hai.
Cute?: Hai.
Sexy?: HAI.
Handsome/Pretty?: Pretty. Not handsome.
Flirty?: HAI.
Naughty?: HAI DESU.

Would you be more then friends with me?: Yes.
If not, why not?:
If yes, why? Nice bum.
Have you ever liked me before?: Maybe.
Why not?:
Do you like me now?: Yes.
Why? You STILL have a nice bum.
Why not?
Would you kiss me now?: No. We're in public.
Would you have sex with me?: Yes.
Why not?:
If we were stuck in an elevator, what would happen?: Halarity.
What would you want to happen?: Hot lesbian Sexxorz
Would you marry me?: White picket fences.
Why?: It would shut my mom up.
Would you be closer with me?: Sure.
Do you love me?: It's early to tell, huh?
Where do you see us in five years?: EARTH
What is your honest opinion of me, state here?: You're a fun girl, who I seem to get along with and we share much in common. You're very cute, and I can actually relax around you and be myself. That and you have a nice bum.


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