
Aug 06, 2005 21:32

Your Name?:
My Name?:
My age?:

Do IT, or I'll be forced to kick people :P )

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darkskweek August 7 2005, 11:41:53 UTC
Your Name?: Allen!
My Name?: Laura!
My age?: 21?

BaSiCs AbOuT mE aNd YoU?:

1] How long have we known each other?: Moo? I dunno. 6 monthsish? Maybe? Probably less.
2] How do we know each other?: Through Dan/Brandi. It's hard to say where the line begins/ends.
3] Do you know how we met, if so, how?: Now that you mention it, I have no clue. Wait, I think it was at your place, when Brandi lived there.
4] What was the first thing we said to each other?: Uh. Hi?
5] How well do we know each other?: Not that well, sadly. =/
6] Do you consider me a best friend?: No. But you are -A- friend.
7] If not, why not?: Cause I don't know you that well
8] How close are we?: I dunno? Seven!

ThOuGhTs AbOuT mE?:
Am I?:
Cool?: Shoor!
Crazy?: Not in the bad way.
Fun?: Yes. =)
Funny?: Sometimes!
Nice?: Uh, I think you were nice to me once, by accident
Sweet?: Yes!
Perfect?: Hells no. I wouldn't like you if you were perfect!
Happy?: You try to be =P
Rich?: Naw.
Poor?: Naw.
Innocent?: Fuck no.
Horny?: Maybe?
Slutty?: No
Smart?: Ja.
An Ass?: Kinda!
Bitchie?: Sometimes! I blame PMS!
Weird?: Yes =D
Dumn?: I ain't fallin' for that one. No =P
A Blonde?: Naw
A Freak?: You dated Dan... =O
A Theif?: Nope
Trustworthy?: Sure =D
Patient?: Kinda?
Shy?: Kinda.
Outgoing?: Kinda!
Boring?: No
A Loser?: YES
An Alcholoic?: No, but you'll booze if I do!
A Drug User?: Not that I know of
A Player?: Naw
Wild?: Um... no?
Useless?: Naw
Rude?: nope!
Leader?: No
Follower?: Not really

AbOuT Me AnD wHaT YoU kNoW?:
Fave Color?: Er... Red?
Best Friend?: Brandi, or that other girl. The Avon one.
My Phone number is?: I can't say that here, but I DO know it!
What School do i go to?: You don't!
Do I have a girlfriend/boyfriend, if yes, who?: Last I checked no. Dan doesn't count.
Fave Band?: No idea
Fave Song?: Doubly so
Fave Food?: Mexican food?
Fave Sport?: Um. frisbee?
Fave Subject?: Math?
What do I hate most?: Me!
What do I love most?: Me?
If you couldn't find me, where would I be?: If I knew where you'd be, I'd be able to find you. Duh!
What is my Middle name?: Er. Gosh, I know this, too. Rose? Gah.
What is my screen name?: Rhuby/black_widow

WhAt YoU FeEl AbOuT Me?:
Am I?:
Hot?: Ja.
Cute?: Sure =D
Sexy?: Maybe >.>
Handsome/Pretty?: You're pretty, yes.
Flirty?: Kinda.
Naughty?: Define!

Would you be more then friends with me?: UHHHHHH NO COMMENTZ0R
If not, why not?: Dan!
If yes, why? Cause of THINGS
Have you ever liked me before?: SHUSH
Why not?: NO
Do you like me now?: MOO MOO MOO
Why not? HEAR ME MOO
Would you kiss me now?: I GIVE MILK
Would you have sex with me?: MOO MOO MOO
Why not?: Oh god when does it end
If we were stuck in an elevator, what would happen?: How long can I moo for?
What would you want to happen?: The mooing never stops!
Would you marry me?: Oh moo, what did I do to deserve this mooful circumstance?
Why?: MOO
Would you be closer with me?: Here's a moo.
Do you love me?: Moo moo moo
Where do you see us in five years?: I can't see the future
What is your honest opinion of me, state here?: You're awesome, but you have some issues that need to be sorted =(


blackwidow_84 August 7 2005, 11:47:22 UTC
yea but then again we all have issues.
I would of taken the "Would you be more then friends with me?: " part out but its much to ammusing to make people uncomfterble. I'm nice like that


blackwidow_84 August 9 2005, 22:04:52 UTC
Ha Ha all the mooing, I love making people feel uncomfterble


blackwidow_84 August 10 2005, 12:39:24 UTC
Since I'm pretty sure you blocked me, thanks for that by the way, I need to know when you are dropping off the movie and the money.


darkskweek August 10 2005, 12:46:58 UTC
I didn't block you, doofus.

Cavan told me you thought I did, which is silly.


blackwidow_84 August 29 2005, 12:20:25 UTC
Ha Ha, I heard you have lost the net and cable for the time being. when am I getting my Movie?


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