Name five...
1. ... things you can't live without.
- computer/ITunes
- CD player/IPod
- Star Trek
- Juice/Schmed
takami826 and
buffalospike 2. ... of the best moments in your life.
- first walking into Severance Hall while the orchestra was rehearsing our music
- Vegas 2004 and 2005
- that night with
macdog790 having drinks and dancing to Pet Shop Boys
- going for coffee in Columbus with Juice in the middle of the night as she told me about her ideas for movies
- performing in Oliver! during my senior year of high school
3. ... celebrities you can't stand.
- Ryan Seacrest
- Lindsay Lohan
- Rachael Ray
- Larry The Cable Guy
- Bill O'Reilly (Reminds me of Jhon Baruth)
4. ... books you enjoy(ed) reading.
Current Reading:
- Sylvia Browne
- La Dolce Musto by Michael Musto
- Your Movie Sucks by Roger Ebert
- Augusten Burroughs
- Shirley MacLaine
5. ... items in your purse/backpack/on your desk.
- Coffee mugs
- CDs
- Pens
- Paper
- Lamp