A new 16 track CD of remixes of Sweet Lullaby by Deep forest and remixed by DJs and remixers from all over the world has been released. So far, the only place I know to get it is on ITunes. I'll probably be getting my copy tomorrow! If you want to hear what it sounds like, you can hear one song in it's entirety
here at this myspace page. It's the third song down. This remixer is from Lithuania. I think this is a really cool idea and Deep Forest should consider doing a double disc set of remixes from all of their CDs and not just this one song.
While I'm discussing music, I have to tell you about an experience that perturbed me a little. If you log onto your Itunes store and scroll all the way to the bottom, you get a pull down menu that asks you which store you want. For shits and grins, I chose United Kingdom and was flabbergasted at the amount of dance and techno on their site. It isn't fair. They have an utter shitload of Pet Shop Boys CDs and 12" mix CDs for download. They also have their own New Age site. All we get is a little blurb in the "World" music page. ARGHHHH!