Apr 11, 2010 10:15
I randomly chose a new journal design, and now at second look it looks more like the colour of poo then chocolate. I think I need to change it.
Today I decided to post five random things about me. This isn't a meme, nor did I pull it off of the "writer's block" thing on the home page.
And here we go:
1. I chose a new journal design that has the colouring of a pile of shit.
2. I fell asleep last night with my trousers down.
3. I think Command clips/hooks/velcro strips are the greatest invention since toilet paper and the ipad.
4. I feel like making a latch hook rug, and then using it to cover up a wine spill on the carpet.
5. I get high when I use my AB markers for drawing, which is often.
5 things