Mar 20, 2009 01:57
We're not going to talk about how shitty things have become.
We're not going to talk about how we can't afford two grand for a new computer, the freezing of pay raises, incentive payouts, forced reduction in work hours, overtime without pay, and the slow death of our ability to keep our spirits up and be positive about everything.
We want to ignore it all and prey that it will all just go away or blow over, and if we try really hard, we might even be able to convince ourselves and believe it as truth, even if its not. Its like truly believing that Santa Clause will bring you gifts, even though you know he doesn't exist.
We don't want to admit that we don't want to deal. I've learned the hard way through difficult and painful arguements, and tonight was one more, that its better to just not talk about it, or even think about it. There's too much stress, and we're just adding onto the weight of it by going after each other with venom, taking all the shit out on each other like we have been doing.
I wish I could solve everything with the wave of a magic wand like in the Harry Potter novels (an analogy I can use since Adam is so obsessed with them.) But I can't, and I'm at the point where I'm too tired to create waves by addressing the problem and thinking of could haves and should haves.
And I'm thinking I'm not the only one, of the people we know and are close to, who are thinking something similar. I learned tonight by taking that bitter pill that raising issues of what could have been done or said isn't helpful but hindering, despite the fact that the current end results are bad. Really bad.
I'm not going to get into any details, but I just wanted to write smething out as a way to let out some of this built up stress from the moment.
If only sex solved all problems.