List 10 Christmas wishes, they can be huge or tiny, something to be bought or made, anything. Post it to your LJ and then ask others to link theirs, and, if you see something on someone's list that you can take care of, do it.
1. Sitting here, at 12:21, I realize how unfortunate it is that I have never been to an AFI concert. I have wanted to for years, but the parentals have been an obstacle. And, now that I am on my own, within reasonable distance of a major venue, they have stopped touring. I just want to meet them. Experience the breathtaking intensity of being in their presence.
2. I want to see more movies. Not necessarily own more movies, but I just want to be able to watch movies whenever I want. In my house, you had to be really motivated to go out and rent a movie because we didn't rent them that often, and the movie store required a separate trip and more money. There should be a website that lets you watch them streaming. Like does with their shows.
3. I want to be better at Photoshop. Ever since I started using it, I have been gradually getting better at it, but I seem to have hit a flat. Everything I make is either hit or miss, and I want everything to be a hit. And I want a new layout for my graphics journal,
their_elegy. It's, well, really bad right now, and I would like someone to make me a really pretty one, but I want the background to stay black for aesthetic purposes.
4. I want Amy Sherman-Palladino to rewrite every episode of Gilmore Girls after the end of Season 4. I want her to make College!Rory not suck. I want her to date Marty and not Logan. She turns into a rich, stuck-up metropolitan bitch who becomes too good for her own roots. And those bangs. Atrocious.
5. I want more Jefferson Airplane. And more Beatles. Just the rest of the music by bands that I only have a few songs of. And I want mixes of songs by artists I don't have anything by. More music is always better than less music.
6. I want to have a dance party with a bunch of people who don't care how well they dance as much as I do.
7. I want to burn every Deathly Hallows epilogue in existence. It's not real, kiddies!
8. I want more earrings. It may seem like I have a billion pairs, but I only have about 30, and I never wear the same pair two days in a row. Big, dangly, silver ones.
9. I hope that they don't stick me with a new roommate next semester or make me move. I'm getting used to this.
10. I want someone to share the holidays with. This is the worst time of the year to be alone, and it just happens to be the time that I am. I was really looking forward to hot cocoa by the fire.
Toodles Namarie Mellon Nin.