Jul 16, 2007 23:58
Do you guys remember that poll I put up a few weeks back, regarding an original story? Just letting you know that I'm still working on it. I'm about twenty pages into it and I'm hoping to post the first half of it in about three or four days time. It's coming together rather well but when it comes to me making stuff up from scratch I tend to be a little perfectionist.
Today was the busiest day I've had for months. I had to go into town to see the government regarding the wedding, and the bottom fell out on that rather quickly, and I had to rush back to my own suburb to get to work on time. Waking up at 4:30, two and a half hours on the train... I'm glad I don't have to do that every day.
I gave up on that celebrant from an earlier post. It seemed like too much of a hassle. Matt and I are going to have a cheap registry wedding in my country and then two years later when we move to the states we'll have a nicer, more expensive one. I can wait for that, but the one I'm organising will be special because it'll be the first.
I've been going to the gym for about two weeks now. I've definitely gotten a bit more strength and endurance in me now, but I'm a little disheartened to discover that I've been gaining weight rather than losing it. I know it's a little too early to go nuts over something silly, because working out will be giving me bigger muscles, but still, the little Adelaide inside my head who wants me to be perfect is jumping around the room and banging her head on the wall.