I've started looking for a civil celebrant for my wedding. I've found one
guy who looks promising and I've sent him an email, but if he doesn't reply by tomorrow evening I'll just phone him. I want to try and get an interview with him this weekend.
There's a particular document I need off him to mail to Matt, so he can finally get a hold of his visa. I also need to book in the exact date of the wedding. I'm pretty sure that's May 7th, 2008. Anybody want to come? I wonder how much the booking fee will cost? In any case I should be able to cover it.
The tickets for the War of the Worlds musical came in the mail today. I just can't wait until September! My boss was nice enough to give me a day off during the musical as well!
I'm eight pages into the original story I'm working on right now, titled 'Tough Love'. It seems very easy to write but boy, the story is gonna be big. When I say big not epic big, but I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it in one post. Maybe two.