May 26, 2007 21:49
I finished Justice for All earlier this evening. I'm kind of glad nobody saw me dancing around the room and waving the DS about. I got both the good ending then backtracked for the bad ending as well, for completion's sake. Aww... the ending was so adorable, so sweet. I'm happy with it, but I can't believe I'm gonna have to wait for months and months until the third game comes out on DS. You can be sure I'll be ordering it from the states as soon as it does. Now that that game's finished all I can do is wait for Pokemon Pearl to get here. Hopefully that'll tide me over for awhile.
However, I've also been considering buying Trauma Center for the DS as well. The idea of performing surgery with the little DS pointer thingy is intriguing to me. The only reason I didn't buy it along with the other games is because the review on it said it can unnessarily hard at times. Now that I'm finished with both PW games I reckon I can have a go at surgery now. It's fun playing games that aren't RPGs every so often.
But I've decided that for my father on Father's Day I'm going to take him, my mother and myself to the War of the Worlds live concert at the Acer arena. They're going to perform the entire radio play with the music and the narration, and there's going to be a 30 ft alien there as well. It sounds a little nerdy, but to somebody who listened to that radio play as a bedtime story as a toddler this is something I can't pass up. The whole thing is going to cost three hundred dollars, with tickets at a hundred bucks a pop. Doesn't deter me, though. I earn money for reasons like this.
Last night I went with Chris to see At World's End. I liked it. It wasn't the movie to end all movies, but I enjoyed the constant violence, betryals, naval battles, pockets of cabin fever and the conclusion of the trilogy. It IS a trilogy, right? I'd say you should go and see it only if you've seen the first two and liked them. The movie won't make a lick of sense if you haven't seen the others. Chris and I... we must have brought enough food into the theater for five people.
And he made his grand entrance to my house with a time paradox. We laughed for about five minutes cause he left home at 7:25 and got to my house at 7:24. The only conclusion is that he travelled back in time somehow. Wonder if he saw any complex math symbols along the way? Well... WE found it pretty funny at the time. We're just like that sometimes.I'm writing the third chapter of Turnabout Execution tonight. Maybe I'll put an hour of effort into it tonight.
Right now, and this very moment I'm trying to download this song Matt was raving about earlier, but my cable has been capped at 64K and it's gonna take another two hours to get it. I'm also downloading CD burning software because my version of DVD Nero burning hates it's CD burning counterpart. I need some new writing CDs, especially if this song is as good as Matt claims it to be.
I can only write two pieces of fanfic at a time. With Turnabout Execution in the foreground and Siren's Way a close second, I'm putting Turned On on the backburner for now. It's the largest piece of writing of the three and it can stand to be put away for awhile. I'd like to either get out of the flashback part of Siren's Way or finish Turnabout Execution before I start writing on it again. I really have no idea how big Turnabout Execution's going to be, but the chapters will be a third smaller than my other fics, I reckon.
Last night I had the most amazing dream about raising a zombie from the dead. I found this book somewhere and somehow with details on how to raise the dead. In the dream I thought at first; "Well, this must be another load of bullshit... but I'll give it a try anyway." So I performed the rite in the book, at the right place in the right time, and the corpse really did come back from the dead! I had a zombie slave, and it could spit acid and obey my every command.
I was ecstatic and kept thinking; "Oh man, this is awesome. This can't be real. I must be dreaming." but then I thought; "I can make more of these, can't I? What can I do with these things? Ha ha ha..." and there were variations in the rites to make different kinds of zombies. I had it all set out to make a zombie army, but then I woke up. I laid awake in bed, staring at the ceiling and sighed. "I knew it was just a dream..."
father's day,
war of the worlds,
time paradox,
phoenix wright,
siren's way,