Jul 23, 2006 00:08
Somebody needs to take the pen away from me sometimes, before I hurt myself or somebody else with it. Where is all this bloody inspiration coming from? I feel like I should set up a giant net and catch it all, then distribute it out amongst all my friends. Or failing that, at least bottle it so I'd have a lift every time writer's block comes crashing down. Suddenly I can write romance. Suddenly I can write fluff. And what? *Looks at paper* Urr...
My muses are busy in their little makeshift workshop. Do I give them a break? Hell no. So what if I published yesterday, at this rate there'll be more to post in a few days time. Once it's cleaned up a little. Tonight was so boring. There wasn't much left to do but write. The sad, boring story of my life...
Chris, Tim, Paul, me. No more Jackie. How are we meant to play D&D without her? But she can't very well come up here from Carringbah every Tuesday, I can understand that. I also can't remember where I left Drair Hart's character sheet. If it's not in one of my notebooks then Chris is gonna kill me...
I got more reviews for The Stranger I Knew fanfiction. I'm so happy, I love that fanfic so much. Quote is happy too.
I need to speak with my grandma soon. There's something I have to get from her, but my parents try to avoid her on all occasions so it's hard to schedule a meeting, and I'm forbidden from going to her place. Family feud and all that. I'll figure something out.
cave story,