Aug 09, 2005 05:28
Well, my Mom was in town, and I got a chance to see her and my step-dad yesterday afternoon. She took me aside to tell me that her going through my coming out process is helping my step-dad, as the real reason my step-brother and his wife broke up is that he's gay. I kind of went, Yay. I mean, don't get me step-dad is a good person at heart. It's just that he's so ultra-macho...the man is the king of his castle kind of guy, that I feel inside like, "See Jack, even your son can come out as gay....the world isn't so black and white after all." I do feel bad for his son...Jack would be the hardest person in the world to come out to.
Oh and secondly, I got some great news (second-hand) from a favorite Uncle whom I completely adore. Before I got to my grandmother's house yesterday, my Uncle and Aunt were there waiting to see my mom and step-dad. Well, they asked my grandmother if I was still with Jaytee...they said they really liked him. This from two people who I really adore means a lot. I've got such gladness in my heart that my family loves Jaytee. It had me walking on sunshine all the way home.