
Jul 25, 2009 19:02

I went to the Coldplay concert AND. IT. WAS. AWESOME.  A delight for the eyes, and I got free swag!  Chris Martin flung himself from one side of the stage to the other, and collapsed on his back at one point.  And they had huge yellow balls being tossed around by the audience.  And there was a confettti canon! Did I mention it was awesome?

It was all quite entertaining; except for the very drunk chick behind us who was determined to inform the whole world that
a. she was 21
b. it was her birthday and
c. she loved Chris Martin. 
Sadly she had a voice like a broken buzzsaw, but louder.  You wouldn't think it was possible to drown out those industrial sized speakers like that... Creepily, her friend, who also voiced a love for Chris Martin, kept yelling about how she was going to kidnap him. Mhmmmm, good luck with that, and enjoy your restraining order.

music is my hot hot sex, wtf?!

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