I really do spend too much time on the internet. But, but, but, I find the coolest stuff. I love antique type illustrations, old etchings, anything beautiful. And I found this:
http://www.anahataart.com/page/page/4995681.htm beatiful website full of gorgeous art by artist Anahata Katkin (who has such a cool name that I have to wonder if she made it up). It makes me wish I were half so talented. I design exhibit graphics, and some business cards for my friends (including one phony halloween set which had me as the Director of Plunder on the pirate ship which exists only in my head, sigh * on an unrelated note, if you dial 1-800 Plunder... well you should definately try it and see what happens) but this lady is really talented.
And check out this business card. I wants!
On a lighter note, I have recently had a birthday, and I received a book which has been on my wishlist for lo these many years, and which I had never quite gotten around to buying. It is Neil Gaiman's "The Day I Swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish" The artwork is lush and offbeat, illustrator McKean takes some interesting liberties with the human form. Still, he makes it look good. It's an earlier work, and I already have "Wolves in the Walls", which was written later. I love this book, and re-read and enjoy it far more than you would expect from a children's book (it contains an unexpected cameo by the queen of Melanesia). I plan to give this book bo my best friend's kid someday soon. Just as soon as I'm sure she's old enough not to rip the pages. And, ya know, can actually read (she's not 3 yet). "Wolves" is really fun, though, and I'm sure she could identify with the spunky heroine. But I wasn't as thrilled with "Goldfish". Just not as good. I also got the new Simon Green book for my birthday, "The Unnatural Inquirer". It is the 8th in the series, and I think the Green is getting kinda tired. Usually I can't put his books down, but my reaction to this one was kind of meh. Also, I really didn't like the new character he introduced, Betty Divine? I'm not even sure that's her name, that's how much I didn't like her. She's kind of like Martha(from Doctor Who) who just doens't compete after we've all come to love Rose. I did, however, recently read a book which I really loved, "The Alphabet of Thorn" which has an awesome title, and is an even better read. Definately something I would recommend to anyone.