I'm not dead....

Jul 01, 2008 23:48

Although I'm 27 as of yesterday.
I've been spending most of my time for the past year in the real world... Got a gig at Park Seed designing seed catalogs which is vaguely within the parameters of my degree, so that's good. Finally moved out last fall and purchased a car, so I'm well on my way to becoming a boring adult. Huzzah for that.

I'm working on a new projected called DEATHWISH which I've entered into a contest to get published by Platinum Studios. If that doesn't fly I may very well self-publish it, it's a great concept.

Still single ::waggles eyebrows:: but after half a decade or so of actively pursuing non-singularity, I'm cool with it. Irony. Let's see, what else has been going on... My sis popped a couple of offspring and they're cute and fun for about 3 days. Remind me of why I don't want kids for a very long time.

Alright, I've run out of things to say tonight. I'll post again, praps with some DEATHWISH pages and an update on the contest ::fingers crossed:: Um, go see WALL-E. Best flick of the year so far.

Thanks for watching,
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