May 26, 2009 11:28
To make myself feel a bit better about being a fatty all weekend, I just decided to try on a pair if jeans that I bought for $10 on Wednesday. They buttoned easier than I remembered them buttoning in the fitting room, which made me feel better. And just sliding on a pair of size 5 jeans makes me feel amazing. I never thought I would be able to go into the store, grab a pair of size 5's off the rack, and be able to wear them ever again. It hasn't happened since I was like 16.
I'm in them right now though. I haven't been able to make myself take off the tag, because I love looking down, and seeing that little number. A 5. A little, tiny 5. Not a big fat 13, a 5. That is like an 8 size difference! It's funny, because the last time I was a size 5, I weighed a lot less than I do even now. But when I think about it, I'm at least 3 inches taller than I was then.
I still remember my favorite pair of size jeans. I got them on clearance at Bob's. They were a dark blue, with huge bell bottoms that had cargo pockets at the bottom. They were great. I wore them a lot my first summer in Missouri. When I got too fat to fit into them, I was so upset. I ripped them up because I didn't want to admit that I couldn't fit into them anymore. I really never thought that I would fit into pants this small again. I feel like I showed bow down to Myke and worship his personal training goodness. I really don't have the money to waste on personal training but it is so worth it to me. 5 months ago, I would have (if I could have) paid a million dollars to wear a size 5 again.
And if I keep this up, if I can drop down to a size three, I can trade pants with Cameron. Teeny, tiny Cameron. We're totally different builds, but we could wear the same size pants some day. Anyway, it just made me so happy to be wearing these that I had to share.