not that i would know what that smells like from experience

Apr 03, 2006 15:48

being in dire need of pants i went out and purchased some new clothes and shoes for the first time in about 3 years, just in time to have my car battery die once and for all. the bastard had just enough juice for me to drive to a really inconvenient location way out on the edge of town before deciding to leave me stranded.

the best part is that if i hadnt spent any money on clothing i would have had just enough cash for a new car battery!
well, at least i have comfy shoes. im going to need them over the next few weeks.

the moral of the story is always shop at thrift stores, even though the selection is poor and sometimes the backrooms really smell like poop.
im dead serious, one time in the back of a traverse sal-v it really, really smelled like someone pinched a loaf in a bowling shoe or something.
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