Nov 15, 2006 02:16
.... Hey. *Looks at grounds and Shuffles Bashfully*. Umm what's up, Livejournal?
I guess I should mention some things I've been doing lately.
I am now a Working Stiff, and I like it. I do office-job-thingys three days a week, except someone quit, so I've been doing it five days a week for a while. That is too much. It's a 20-minute walk and I am fit and fabulous but my feet HURT! It feels like somebody out of a John Steinbeck novel, the cruel cold world and all that.
UMMM and school. Susie described it beautifully as the "Midterm Maelstrom". I pulled my first EVER all-nighter on Sunday. Eight pages in as many hours, yeah baby. Didn't think I'd ever be stupid enough to do that, but there you are. I guess I am a real college student now. Surprisingly enough, Monday was a wonderful day. A little blurred around the edges and fulllll of coffee/soda/random sugary things crammed into my mouth, but still GREAT!
Church is beyond amazing, I keep thinking that there can't be much else to learn, then BOOOOOM!!!!! sike how about a whole universe. And I'm getting to know some of the girls pretty well, they are all so lovely.
Exciting Anecdotal Instances of Late =
*** I attended a 'Clue' party on Saturday night, and I must say it was quite a success. I will never win a Clue game, but I can definitely drag out every clothes item of vaguely greenish coloring that I own and wear it all in one chaotically verdant mishmash. I was Mr. Green. Susie was Ms. Scarlett. Mary was Mrs. Peacock, and she had a TURBAN!HECKYES. Kathryn was Mr. Boddy. Heh heh. I think there are pictures somewhere, I will ask around.
*** This theatre company called 'Actors From the London Stage' are in Chapel Hill this week. It is a group of five people who pick a new Shakespeare play every year and tour the universities of the US. They don't have costumes or sets and they all play multiple parts and I am crazy excited because I'm going on Thursday. And they're doing 'Hamlet', which I never really expected to see a good version of. One of them came to our Shakespeare class this morning, it was FANTASTIC!! The only lady in the company (she was like 30 years old), and she said things like "let's get cracking" and "that's rubbish" and "snog" and it was great. We did a workshop kind of thing with the first scene of 'Hamlet' when the ghost appears to the castle guards, and our whole class were directors and I was one of the actors. It was amazing fun, I completely want to spend part of my life doing Shakespeare in some dirty little theatre in England.
*** We had a random Cool People On The Hall get-together and watched a chick flick tonight. It was loud and giggly and immensely enjoyable. For the last fifteen minutes of the movie we all sat up perfectly straight. It was hard.
*** OH!!! And something terrible happened as well. I killed Fighter and Lover. Yes, both of them. One Fell Blow. (Fighter and Lover are my two fish, if you're confused... WAAAAH who WERE my two fish. Beautiful bettas). I was being a diligent pet owner and washed out their bowls on Sunday and changed the water, and I think I didn't rinse them well enough and they both suffocated in soapy water. I got back from Aya's flute recital and was traumatized into next week. Luckily Kathryn and Mary were there, and they helped us perform a lovely funeral in the handicapped stall.
I know I've been thinking about stuff as well but I haven't really caught up on sleep from the other night and my brain is all fuzzy. GOODNIGHT, and GOODLUCK.