Jul 25, 2019 22:52
Earlier than I normally like to get up tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital for a test that will measure my brainwaves. We know there's something wrong with them, so it's just a matter of finding out *what*. And what kind of consequences there are for having something.
Plus side, I get my car back today! I have really missed my little Rogue. Was hoping I'd get her back before we went on our Major Trip.
We'd already long planned to go away when it's cold here, but my husband didn't think that the Caribbean was far enough away. So we're going to Brazil. Well, technically, it's Buenos Aires to get on the ship that *goes* to Brazil. Like I said, it's a Major Trip. While they figure out what's wrong with my brain. Woo.
But that's Feb going into March, which means it's a Major Trip. And it's while it will be miserable here. I think I have downloaded enough books to survive the trip. I also have paper books for the beach. And I have plans to drink tropical drinks and bask in the sun and try to heal my heart of the losses of both my cats.
EDIT: This was written in January, but apparently just saved to the draft folder.