Jan 14, 2006 13:54
The Past month has been prettyyy good. I went to Rehab, now i am living in a Halfway house. At first i hated it cause it was change for me, and i was scared. As i have been here, i have grown alot an adapted. The people here are really kool, and i like the NA and AA meetings. I am doing 90 meetings in 90 days. I have been working and staying sober. My mind has never been more clear and i havent been this focused in a long time.
Im coming up on a month of being sober on Janruary the 16th, thats amazing. Today my Cuzins, aunt, and Uncle are coming to get me and take me out to eat today, so thats awesome. Then on Monday, me and Jodie maybe hanging out, that will be awesome as well. Gets a little lonley up here sometimes, ya know? Well anyway, im going to be here for awhile, im going to save up money, and get my lisence back. Get my live all together, i have plenty of time to do it here, cause i can stay focused. I cant stay focused in Essex. That place is so beat, the same old shit every fucking day and no one wants to do anything for them selfs but just sit around and not do shit, wastig there life away. Im not going to be apart of that anymore, i woke the fuck up, I was there i aint going to lie. Its time to grow up and get my life on the role. I wanna have the things i want, sitting around drinking and using aint going to get you no where. There is functioning users, but not most of the people i know. I was a non functioning user, but i relized that and i am going to fix it. I know i am sitting here preching, but i like to get it out, cause i feel great about mny self right now. I have never felt better about what i am doing ever. I'm getting buff up in this joint. I ran out of Ciggs yesterday and it sucks, but i gotta quit anyway.