Sep 04, 2004 09:38
ahhhh..... dont know why on earth im up so early on a saturday morning after a night of drinking, i must be weird. Last night was fun for the most part... watching my boys play and sing at their gig was just cool, granted, the set was nearly 3 hours long, i was there to support them :) After all that we went over to Matt's place and chilled... i drank the usual, tim tried something new, matt had his yingling and katie and gary were the sober life of the party, evan had a classic and danny had.... the champagne of all beers. there were new people there, cool new people though. JOHN!----- i couldnt remember his name until he was leaving haha... now i know it was just cause i was drunk. Well, around 1 I started to get tired (im a nerd) and then i kinda felt a tad woozy... haha, couldnt stand straight in the bathroom, but then when i laid down on matts bed i felt good and started to sleep. katie then came in to ask if we were leaving... soooo we left. Aaaaand, overall the party was good. I thought about Brandon last night though... but it was only about what a waste of time and energy he was... how he caused so much drama with me and tim. Now he doesnt even answer my calls, he totally blows me off and I just dont know why. Why do guys have to be such dickheads? Ugh... oh well, what do ya do? Forget about it cause he's not even worth my thoughts. bleh. ANYWAY! Last night was funtastic and I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!! 'muah' to all of them!