prompt fest '11!

Feb 16, 2011 21:58

Hey All!

anissa7118 had perhaps the best idea ever! With the upcoming DVD release of the Black Swan DVD on March 8th (so exciting!), we figured a prompt list/table/whatever would be fun.

So, I'm introducing Black Swan Prompt Fest 2011! (tag: #promptfest11). To get it going, I figured I'd open up this post for prompt submittals. It can be anything! Have a word you want to have someone write as a prompt? Awesome. Have a full on sentence/mini paragraph? We love that too!

After a few days, I'll build the actual prompt table/list/whatever and then people can write and claim and it'll just be plain old fun! So, bring on the prompt...I know that I'm looking forward to filling someone's prompt!


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