Aug 02, 2006 16:05
this what i hav to deal with from time to time, no wonder i used to have a drink problem, and this is from a woman who not a few weeks ago was declaring her love for me and wondered why i had a tough time believing her, as she has done this same exact thing more times than i can remember now....
HER (7/29/2006 02:56:05): im clean!
HER (7/29/2006 03:05:08): i hope alls well with yer stuff, ive got out of that shit and ive moved away. ive got a new life now where the nite life is shit hot and im away from all that shite. ive got a new job n a new bloke that keeps me on the right road. hes american! hope u have still got yer stuff together n are getting on with life. im going to america in two days to see if i like it for a month, if i do then im off there to live! funny how stuff works out innit. i know i said some shit stuff but i do wish u all the best x
ME (7/29/2006 09:36:57): all that in just 2 weeks, wow you move fast..... so much for being in love with me, or is that what you mean about all the shit you hav said to me.... do you really expect me to be happy for you that your now with another bloke?? yeah im still dry and doing really well... but as far as my love life goes im just shagging around as i cant commit to anyone since you broke my heart as even though its broke i do still love you... guess thats jsut my cross to bare...
ME (7/29/2006 09:38:14): thanks for nothing!!!!
ME (7/29/2006 10:06:08): you could have made things better by jsut getting off your arse and coming to see me, but that was too much effort for you wasnt it... what your doing is called a geographical its a common thing with alcoholics and addits i should know ive done enough of them myself over the years... seeing that this morning has really really hurt me, my mates from AA are coming to get me for the day in a mo as they hav jsut called.. you can be so fucking selfish and heartless sometimes it astounds me....
So my sat morning started well and then i logged on and found this waiting for me, i was climbing the walls within minutes as i thought things were going to turn out different as she had said that she wanted to see me and was coming down to stay for a few days so we could see if we could sort things out once and for all.. But then she was taking loads of drugs and drinking huge amounts and called me "a boring fat cunt" because i dont do things like that anymore and then 2 weeks later i get the above waiting for me... well i foned one of my mates from AA and said i need get out of th ehouse and be around people very soon, within 10 mins i was at my mates place having a cuppa and from there i went onto a morning meeting and then out to play golf for the afternoon and then a spot of shopping and then onto an evenin meeting and from there went out clubbing and it was by this time that i was starting to feel a bit better, i even got myself up on the dance floor and ended up dancing for most of the nite, so the day turned out ok in the long run... One of the many great things about AA is when you ask for help you get more of it than you know what to do with and as its all people who hav been through the same shite you have they fully understand what your feeling and know what to do to help..
heard an interesting meaning to the word Sober = Son Ofa Bitch Everything Real!!! so very very very true, but when things are real you can deal with them and cut them down to the size they really are instead of blowing them out of proportion...
been for more blood tests today as my stomock problems are getting worse, the nurse took 5 of those tubes of my bloood so i guess they are checking for just about everything in one go as they normaly only take 2 of those tubes... my doc to contact him this fri as the tests with be back by then, so i guess they are rushing them through, but then again i am pretty ill at the moment as my body seems to be rejecting all forms of protien now as i cant even hav soya anymore oh and the other latest one is wheat, so that takes me down to a wholefood diet which is about as unhealthy as you can get, espeialy for a recovering alcoholic who has a fucked up body..
cant think of anything else that i want to make a note of, oh yeah i now hav a New AA sponser whos a really nice guy and also pagan so that makes it even better, as my last guy just wasnt doing his job right...