Austin/Hilbert anon kink

Apr 28, 2011 19:26

Title: n/a
Fandom: Pokémon
- Characters: Hilbert, Ace Trainer Austin (Touya, Natsuki)
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Ace trainer giving Touya delicious head in the ferris wheel carriage. Black writhes and twists a lot but the trainer has his legs pinned to his seat.
Notes: Prompt for pokanon. There's not even a name for these two. And it was tough not giving Hilbert a physical voice. Japanese names. Austin's a creeper. Rape = acceptance still isn't my forte. =V Cleaned up some typoes.

"You're cuter than that girl," Natsuki had said, practically on sight, which had sent warning signals off like a state-of-emergency. But that Natsumi dude wasn't anywhere around to save him (good thing? Bad thing?). But then Touya figured, he has misinterpreted what the Ace Trainer had said, for Austin had challenged him to a battle. Older teens were weird people, anyway. Maybe Touya had even misheard what Natsuki said.

He only hoped.

"Hey, you're something!" Natsuki said, slinging his arms around Touya's shoulders when the battle was done. "Come on, I'll take you up on the Ferris wheel."

The hand on him held him too tightly, and Touya felt like he was being herded into the booth. But the operator waved him along (after dropping his pokémon into a holder bin), Natsuki following behind him. At the car, though, Touya looked behind him, Natsuki's presence lacking, and saw the Ace Trainer smile at the operator before hurrying along. "What, you scared?"

Touya thought he meant 'of heights', screwed his face up, and shook his head. Heights were nothing. Climbing in, Touya took a seat on one side and felt comfortable that Natsuki had taken the seat on the opposite side.

Touya usually returned to Raimon in the evening, just in time for the sun to set. It was a guilty pleasure of his, akin to the Casteliacone and the joys that came with eating it. He didn't even mind the strange company he kept when he had to ride with a second person. It was just....nice.

When they were almost at the top, Touya stood to watch from the windows, almost having forgotten Natsuki altogether, given how silent he was (he was too aware of everyone needing conversation; the sheer lack of it was a blessing). And just at the top--

The Ferris wheel came to a lurching stop. The cab swung on its hinges, and Touya lost his footing, sending him straight-- into Natsuki's arms. And while Natsuki looked all concerned and whatnot, he wasn't exactly letting Touya go, either. Not immediately. "Are you sure you're all right?"

Touya nodded, again, and was finally able to pull himself away (free?). But while trapped in a car at the top of a Ferris wheel with a creepy weirdo was far from his ideal situation, hell if Touya couldn't watch from here and feel right in the middle of it all.

"You do this often?" Natsuki asked. "That's cool." The car was big, but it grew smaller as Natsuki stood up--the car swayed-- and stood behind Touya. "Never thought beating that Hiker would net me a good evening."

Touya turned his head to demand what he meant by that, but Natsuki was moving before Touya had even gotten the breath for the first word, instead making a strangled noise as Natsuki cupped between his legs, pawing, and breathing into Touya's ear. The boy shuddered, and practically went rigid.

"Haven't done this often?" Natsuki asked. Or ever, Touya's mind screamed. "Figured you and that chick were a pair, or something. You look enough alike. Don't worry, I'll give you a ride."

Touya's mind shut down as he was manhandled back into the seat, Natsuki kneeling before him and spaying his legs wide open, trying not to panic in the semi-struggle or the way the cab was moving again. Already Natsuki had his coat open--"No shirt? Maybe you aren't wearing underwear, either."--and was running his hands up his chest, toying with his nipples, and Touya was on sensory overdrive as much as he was trying to push Natsuki off of him.

The red on his face raged as Natsuki kept touching him, licking him, not stopping, fuzzing up his head, and hell if it wasn't hurting just beneath his beltline. Touching yourself was like trying to tickle yourself in comparison: even when unwanted, the reaction was far greater. And faster than he could register, Natsuki was working on his pants, unclasping, unzipping, and undoing his own priorities. Natsuki tsk'd at the white briefs straining out the open fly, and with his hands on Touya's thighs to hold them open, the Ace Trainer leaned in to tongue-bathe the clothed erection.

Touya's head and hands went in opposite directions: his head snapping back with a sharp gasp and hands now pushing at Natsuki's head, not being able to tell which way was "down" and which way was "away". His hips bucked to, but were forced down immediately. Natsuki's face was all but planted in his crotch, warm breath and damp lips and two seconds away from making Touya cream his pants. He was shaking, tingling, basking in the burning, and he barely noticed when Natsuki forcibly tugged his pants over his hips and freeing his penis from its confines. Panting hard, Touya did, however, notice when the heat turned up, making him yell, as Natsuki easily swallowed him whole.

Hands on his legs again, holding down as he writhed, unable to escape the strength that was molesting him. Natsuki's tongue scorched, as he sucked, and then he started moving. Up and down Natsuki bobbed, and all Touya could do is watch and cry out nothing comprehensible. Up and down, up and down, sucked squared on the head, again to the root in a vacuum, and Touya finally saw stars whiter than the real ones in his vision as he came quicker than he ever had simply jerking himself off before.

And as he registered Natsuki licking his lips--He swallowed??, the Ace Trainer said, "Not bad. You're going to make some women happy in a few more years. I, though--" He methodically tucked Touya back in. "--like them immature." Then he leaned in close, and Touya couldn't even shrink back. "You got a good taste."

The Ferris wheel started moving again, and Natsuki stood, looking out the window. As if this was all normal. "Sun's down. Sorry you missed the sun set. Let me make it up to you?"

Whatever, whatever, Touya thought dismissively, sagging in the seat. But now it seemed the funny feeling he got around N had come into perspective (literally). Did that make him a pervert? Maybe he would come back to Natsuki...just to make sure if he was or wasn't.

fandom: pokemon, pokemon shippage, kink meme, not work safe (ever), complete

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