Jets, Clint: phonesex, 21st century style

Aug 04, 2009 11:31

In this new-found age of technology, if you aren't caught up on all the latest makes and models, you are found on the verge of falling behind in the smoothest connections. Suddenly you're yesterday's news as much as you are behind, because if you aren't with it, you're just sad.

Except Jets liked his old phone and foresaw no overly obvious need to upgrade. It flipped open and had a keypad and everything. It didn't traverse the cyberroads, and had enough reception to call in middle-of-nowhere places (half the time and compared to none). It made calls and received texts, and that's all he needed. That's all he told people he needed, and they looked at him like he was crazy. Even the boyfriend thought he was crazy. "Will you just let me buy you one?" Clint had pleaded, to no avail.

However, apparently your cell phone was a sign of who you are (or something), because everyone seemed to pass judgment on a person based on the make and model, and thus, became something of ever-rising obsession.

But when Jets made the mistake of checking a text message while working "in the office" (you cannot call a mobile shack an 'office') during the middle of the afternoon, he wondered if he should have just bothered and indulged Clint's offer, because later, he was sure this was some kind of heavenly retribution meant to sink him into purgatory. He still laughed though, at first.

wht ru wearing?

"You that bored?" he asked out loud, and messaged him back saying just that.

duh? cud u thnk of anythng bttr 2do?

Actly wrk?

SAP. y shud i?


missing you.

Full words. Jets cringed. Full words meant seriousness. Which wasn't a bad thing, not at all. Except seriousness should not be done over texting. They should be done over the phone or, better yet, in person. Because what do you say that doesn't sound like a line-to-feed or something far too sappy for your pride to make? Except Jets didn't have to respond; Clint had a follow up.

rly missing you. and your cock but mostly you.

Jets' brain promptly took a brief respite, because holy shit, they were going to hell. And no, it didn't just stop there, because that would be too easy.

want to be there on my knees for you. want to suck you off till youre pulling my hair and forcing me off.
still rockhard, want you to fuck me till im screaming and cumming twice because youre so fucking hot, you could make me.

He made a noise, and thank god no one was there, because there was no mistaking exactly what was on his mind with a grunt like his.

so wht R u wearing????

He was going to hell in a damn hand-basket. Going along now would just make hell a somewhat decent place.

fandom: street sharks, not work safe (ever)

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