Title: Just ask me to
Fandom: Pokémon
- Characters: Brock's Croagunk
Rating: G
Summary: A Molestshipping poem.
I could evolve, if I wanted to.
I'm ready to be stronger, faster, much more of a primal force.
I could fight more fiercely, terrifyingly so.
Just ask me to.
I could learn much more if you wanted it.
How do you think I knew Brick Break?
I could learn everything.
Just ask me to.
I could be yours eternally.
You'd never have to worry for females again.
I could be the one you need.
Just ask me to.
Just ask me to BE IT ALL. And I can be. I WILL!
Just ask.
Just wish.
Just look at me and say, "Okay?"
And I'll be your shield.
No need to ask.
But ask...and I can be it all.
Your extension.
Your love.
Your will.
Just ask me to be.