Terms of Employment

Aug 20, 2007 00:52

Title: Terms of Employment
Fandom: Street Sharks
- 'Verse: the vague Firefly fusion
- Characters: Nathan[T-Bone] (Terry)
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Shocker! Finally! Finally diving into Nate's head.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

He took employment wherever they would hire him. Odd jobs, one-timers, never anything permanent. The seedy employers recognized possible issues if they kept a mercenary on for too long, especially ones that were more than just single-minded, uneducated bricks. No use risking to hire someone who could overthrow you if blackmail or obvious loyalty wasn’t in the picture, with the right kind of brainpower to back it up. So a job, a paycheck, and it was back to searching for his next meal. That was fine. He had his own risks, ones people would notice not after long.

Wandering from settlement to settlement, planet to planet was hardly adventurous. A couple scuffles, plenty of brawls, guns to the face, kicks to the stomach. He’d been stolen from a few times; managed to get it back more times than not. Lived alone, resolved to it. Absolutely sure it would be like that until he died. No risks, no faults on his conscience.

He’d seen a million kinds of people. Healthy, sickly, clean, dirty, man, woman, young, old, rich, poor, kind, cruel, selfish, selfless, law-abiding, law-breaking, and all manners of in between. No stranger stood out. Ever. All faces were the same, that blank slate of anonymity which simply never changed from person to person. He suspected it came with his Problem, but.…

This was new.


All his employers, he vaguely remembered, were skuzzy. A couple were okay-looking. Really nothing of importance. He expected this job to be the same. Protect a few people while others went off-ship. He expected it to end at some point. But here he was, two months later. Not off the boat, and not wanting to step off it without force.

The original people were so out of each other’s league, it was almost insulting how easy they made it to dance around each other in some form of cooperation. Shot off in different directions, every one of their personalities, and very hard not to ignore. Especially when it came to their core.

Meeting the captain initially made him think the man inexperienced. Too fresh of a face. He wasn’t bright-eyed, but no lines of sudden age marred him. Perhaps he’d simply managed to keep his head above the waters. Or maybe it was the crew’s diversity. He couldn’t say.

But it was a nice face.


A nice face with an equally nice body. For whatever reason, it wouldn’t go away. Not this time. And he watched that face, and that body, move around the ship, sit at the table, back-seat drive on the bridge, and simply sit in the cargo bay with eyes half-lid and perfectly motionless. Watched him even closer when animated. Enjoyed how he moved.

Nathan had been snared into this in a week’s time. After then, there was little to be done but expel all the pent up tension the captain was the cause for.


Out there, he kept his thoughts mild, only daring to cut lose with them in the privacy of his bunk. Getting heady around the captain was a no-no. No place for mental erotica. But here….

He imagined all sorts of things. The captain blushing, moaning, crying out, on his knees, on his back, in his mouth, under his hands. Any way to have him, Nathan found all the angles to imagine, and used it to fuel the deft, oiled fingers around his cock.

Stroking, stroking, easy to pretend it was the captain he was pumping himself into. Slow, fast, hard. Bucking hips, writhing, struggles. Touching, nuzzling, licking, teething. Sweat and muscle, a fighter he could see bringing Nathan to his own knees in time, which did funny things to his breathing, his heart rate, and his speed.

But for all the fantasy, it was still empty air and his hand he came on. Which was still a vast improvement, when not even his remotely handsome employers sparked anything at all.

fandom: street sharks, not work safe (ever), complete

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