I spent time fixing up a chart...

Sep 22, 2005 21:22

...when I should have been writing an essay.

So, we have confirmation on the four big elements: Air (Xaldin), Earth (Lexaeus), Fire (Axel), and Water (Demyx).

Once upon a time ago, I made a stargraph. A star with four points and four dips. In the order of north, east, south, west was fire, earth, water, air. Those were on the points, and in the dips were, starting from top-right clockwise: metal, wood, ice, and lightning.

Fire and earth bore metal.
Earth and water bore wood.
Water and air bore ice.
Air and fire bore lightning.

Already, we have Ice (Vexen), 'Wood' (Marluxia), and Lightning (Larxene).

And if it's true that this Roxodo guy carries a gun, wouldn't that make him of the metal element?

With fire, ice, lightning, and wind already Orggie-bait, wouldn't the next logical step be Gravity as a power? Seeing as Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, and Aeros exists as Sora's spells, Gravity should be an element too.

That leaves four spots left open.

Zexion did illusions. Illusion creation is normally considered a psychic ability, and his ability to smell better than the others could be a sixth sense. I'd say he's Mind.

Which leaves three.

The Enigmatic man (who better be a woman), so I've heard, uses lightsabres and energy things. But since Light is a natural aspect of being Twilight, he can't master Light, so I call Energy. The Chi/Qi/Ki sort.

The short Orggie, the one who's Sora's height, does the portal thing. I call Void.

Which leaves one more.

Okay, so I had to dig into my imagination for this one. Out of this group:


--could there be left?

It had to be something external, something untangible, because the mind is untangible and internal. And I thank Wong from Psychic Force for providing me with a possible answer.


And if it had to be ranked, it would go like this:

1) [Energy]
2) [Time]
3) Air
4) Ice
5) Earth
6) [Mind]
7) [Metal]
8) Fire
9) Water
10) [Gravity]
11) Flora
12) Lightning
13) [Void]

fandom: kingdom hearts, theorizings

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