(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 10:30

This is me.

This is me dropping one fandom for another. *drop* M'sorry Pokémon, you're on hold while I bury myself back into StarFox. X_X Oi lord, and it all came back while I was watching Swamp Cats on Animal Planet. They mentioned 'buffalo' in regards to the water buffalo, and suddenly, I gots a bison-anthro war veteran in mind...and where else would I put it? =p Yeah.

Then came the equine, White Riverdust. I have a soft heart for draft-horses, but horse-anthros never sat well with me, so having this huge, four legged beast as a species, while everyone else walks on two legs....oh yes, charm and appeal. Of course the equine community's going to be specialized if they're not on the plains, which may be demanding on the two-leggers...but who's going to talk back to a species which is bigger and stronger than most of them? ^_^

Totally need to give SF:A a shot now. *wigging* But there's no tiiime!

fandom: starfox

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