Well, the concept's do-able!

Aug 06, 2005 18:26

The physicalities of existing in flesh was much too disturbing. I actually had to step outside and take a period of respite. Mental taxation in humans simply was not acceptable. Not when what I was performing manuel searches of the cyber interface via virtual goggles. It was frustrating.

How did Lord Chaud stand being so limited? As the saying goes, you really don't know a person until you walked a mile in their shoes. To be blunt, I've walked enough, and I need to locate Lord Chaud. Before I go crazy trapped in his body.


I knew the voice, I knew the tone, I knew what was coming the moment he called my operator's name. So why did this heart just skip a beat?

Lan skated out from behind me, red in the face and panting. The same weaknesses Chaud's body would suffer from, eventually. "My dad just told me what happened. What were you thinking?!"

I wasn't sure if I was capable of actually making a facial expression, but I also couldn't say anything, since I had no idea what he was refering to. Had Dr. Hikari discovered the switch? Seen evidence of Chaud on the 'net and deduced the situation?

"You could've been killed! Why didn't you take someone with you when Mr. Famous told you it wasn't a solo job?"

For a moment, there was a tight twist in my stomach, an uncomfortable sensation I didn't like in the least. And I felt disappointed too. Disappointed I still had to rely on myself to locate Chaud.

And I didn't say anything, because Chaud's reasons for having gone alone were not to my knowledge, and I never asked for him to confide in me anything. My loyalty was boundless, and I trusted his judgment without doubts.

My lack of a response seemed to off-put Lan; I watched with vague intrigue the play of emotion that crossed his face, from overwrought concern to confusion to anger. "What's with you?!"

"Go home, Lan." I had to keep moving. My headache was only getting worse with his presence.

But he grabbed 'my' arm and swung me around. It's not like I let him, but what else was there to do? And I identified Lan's current emotion as livid. So much more open than Lord Chaud, his heart on his sleeve, as the expression went.

"You..." I stared him down; he was distraught in his tone, unable to speak entirely. How...human. "Don't brush me off, Chaud! You don't... You can't..."

He finally gave up and took 'my' wrist, growling in frustration and dragging me somewhere. Who knew with this child. The sidewalk became a cramped alley and what did I know about human behavior? Lan was nothing more than a human with baser instincts following the evolutionary track.

"I'm really sick of your I'm so cool attitude. Dad told me you almost died! Twice! And you're still an insufferable asshole!"

I frowned. I read the medical analysis; I knew what happened to Chaud's body during its coma. But hearing it from Lan...made my gut tighten again, made me sick. If Chaud's body died...there wouldn't have been any hope.

However, I learned something unexpected and...unsuitable to my mental stability a moment later. Human emotions when utilized produced an amazing reaction within their hosts, as I found out when my persistent silence continued. My borrowed body was rudely shoved up against the building behind me and...

...I finally discovered the usage for the word 'kiss', in the sense that I would ever have to consider its existence within my cyber-- and now physical-- life.

Lan liked Chaud, it appeared. And he had no idea Chaud wasn't at home, and his navi was receiving his oral affections. I never thought I'd ever say this, even to myself but...

This was incredibly twisted.

fandom: megaman exe, snippet

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