Hah! Evil!

Jun 06, 2004 09:30

The cathedral's inner most chamber was sparsely guarded, by rookie-level Kunemon no less. Under the duress of a sneak-attack, there would be nil resistance, even for a powerless child. But She was confident no one could penetrate the outer defenses, there was no reason to guard this room like it contained their trump card, the most valuable possession any dark elitist could ask to have.

The barrier of star-littered ribbons of space spiralling around the alter could not have been more awe-inspiring, but the temporary visitor was not interested with what surrounded the alter, but whom lay on it.

Lost in a soothing sleep, unable to feel the permeating evil soaking into his skin and unable to resist at the same time. He would be glorious once awake, an unstoppable power that even Light could not purify.

Hikari will be useless. Takeru will be useless. Kouji will die of grief.

....Daisuke would remain a threat.

Her words crawled back to an earlier asked question. "Do not be absurd, Ken. Motomiya's simple-minded enough; he'll bow before me without much struggle."

Ken climbed the dais steps, and stepped freely into the barrier, into the cascade of violet-black and navy-black lightgrains falling from the skylight. Before him, Kouichi lay motionless, naked as the day he was born, and encased in a glow of sinister purple; the lightgrains burst into ominous wisps of smoke upon contact with his skin.

Wearing an unreadable smile, Ken brushed the unkemp bangs from Kouichi's forehead and delicately let his gloved fingers taper over his cheek. Daisuke....

There was no ready resemblance between the two. Their physical appearance, their personal energies, their contracted destinies were all so different. But the Kaizer within had developed the same fascination with Kouichi that he had with the Miracle Child years before. And for the moment, Kouichi was the more available body to pine over.

Once the pureness of Void's cold touch filled him up completely, however, Ken planned to keep him under the Kaizer's thumb after his rebirth, make him dependant on the Kaizer's 'kindness'. Then, Ken would strip him away from Her, because certainly She did not deserve to control a power like this.

She was a waste of space and a fool. And there was no time like the present to start easing Kouichi's dormant subconscious into recognizing Ken's presence as comfort. The boy emperor leaned in closer to Kouichi's face. "You'll be mine, sweet darkness," he murmured. "Together, we're safe from the Light. The Light means pain to us, but we can destroy it. Only together, my Kouichi."


Ken stole a chaste kiss from the sleeping beauty, before whipping around in instant panicked fury at the soft sound of an, 'ahem'. In the low archway, Piedmon stood, smirking retchedly. Ken glowered. "Out of my sight."

"Did I hear you correctly?" Piedmon sang in his reprimanding tattle-tale voice, ignoring the demand. "Are you planning on taking away our beloved weapon, that She's working so hard on fixing?"

"You heard no such thing, I assure you." The Kaizer sneered. "Once Kouichi evolves, he'll best prosper under a human's control. ...Or have you already taken for granted that little keychain at your waist?"

Piedmon's twisted grin crumbled into a distasteful frown. "Humans are nasty little heathens, and partnered digimon need not but drain them dry of their spirit to be free /and/ remain strong."

Where Piedmon's smile failed, the Kaizer's florished in the light of his corrupt chortle. "How deliciously naive you are. Why would the Mistress waste her energy revitalizing a digimon's inner most evil, then drag us down here, if She thought /She/ could control them alone?" Ken stepped down from the dais and stood in front of the mega-leveled creature, staring bemused at the small, green-haired doll clipped onto Piedmon's pants. "Would you even /exist/ right now without Yoshikazu's power feeding you? A Dark Master you once were, but that energy died once MagnaAngemon delivered you to Purgatory. ...You rely on him indefinitely.

"You're nothing without him."

fandom: digimon

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