*as ashamed as a red herring* [Muromachi/Nomura]

Apr 11, 2004 21:32

It felt....nice.

Coming from a virgin, I was expecting to hear a mental scoff for that comment, when he was gone and I was left alone to remember. Because here I was, exactly that, being sucked off by someone just as inexperienced. Undoubtably slow to start, testing, tasting; I'll be just the same when it's my turn. One of his hands against my thigh, one of my hands petting his hair, his eyes closed and mine barely open.

..Nice. It was nice. I exhaled a held breath. Warm. Damp. Changing from loose to tight. It made -me- feel warm, but nothing extraordinary. I cushioned myself farther against the wall, deeper into the futon, and let him play. Let him figure his way around.

Hell, I knew it could be done...an orgasm, I mean. Any healthy male child starts poking around their crotch during this frame of age. But concerning masturbation, even you aren't too sure what the right method is, when you've just started.

"Oh...." Wait, there went his tongue. And his hand was pushing harder into my leg....I better not be too young for this. We locked the door, right? How loud is 'parent audible'? "Takuya, whatever you did, do it again?"

He did. And I liked it. Very much. Remember -that- one, Touji, it might be useful later.

fandom: tenipuri, not work safe (ever)

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