(no subject)

Sep 03, 2003 21:49

*looking at Alex's class sheshual* What's the worst thing you can do to your son?

Give him the name Eugen.

No, it's not 'Eugene' missing an 'e'. It's Eugen. And it's pronounced 'Oi-gehn', as opposed to Eugene's 'Uu-jean'.

Alexander Eugen Kayser. ...Makes for a hellalotta giggles. It's names like that that make you wish people don't ask that fabled question.

Ian was luckier. *snrk* Conner.


Lesson I learned today: Do not write story posts in the dead of the night when all you wanna do is lay down and hope you fall asleep before hitting the ground. There are monstrous errors. *sniffle* And it's just plain terrible.

Koooodaaaa. :D So fun to say! .... Oh wait. No wonder. 9.9;;;;; It rhymes with Yoda. ..Smooth move, missy. *smack*
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