Boy Meets Heavy Mobile Object

Sep 03, 2003 02:56

I think I saw love in those eyes! o.o Go Wes!

But I'm still SO upset Sean turned out to be straight. God, he was too cool. But then again, if he'd been chosen over Franklin, I would've gotten nervous. Because now that I think about it... that's why they did the selected group thing, in hopes of making sure at least one straight man remained, which is why both straight men made up the whole of a pick-me!group.

But it was so /cool/ how James and Wes looked at each other in the end. I don't care if they were asked to look that way or not, but... It made me feel all mushy inside. They ain't no reuniting Brian/Justin, but hey! S'all good!

But I feel bad for contestant!Brian, crushing on Dan and swearing to stalk him until Dan returns his feelings. He'sh straight! *cries*


-_- Okay, let me put it this way, Dad. Taping a fucking /shirt/ over a leaking hole does /not/ plug it up. It abosorbs the water, meaning I blocked jack shite. All I did was keep it from dripping on the floor. Yes, I /did/ think of a pot. I'm not that much of a moron, but if I put one down, the odds tell me it'd be kicked over or out of place. Deal with my damn method of keeping the floor dry.



The forementioned man looked up at the quiet caller of his name, and let a small smile settle itself in. "Hey. I thought you said you were going to be at the range for the rest of the night?"

From under the hood, Koda noted the return quirk. The taller man shut the door behind him and shed his cloak from off his body as he replied simply, "Plans change."

Koda shrugged and dropped his I-pad onto the coffee table, getting to his feet and making no secret of his obvious copped glances at his partner. But Koda's ultimate goal was around the man's waist; the cyan-haired man pulled the single kutal out of its holster and waved it slowly in front of the other's face. "You're gonna get in trouble carrying around /my/ weapons, D'Artimas. You're an arts castor, not a weapons expert."

He didn't even blink. "Dokugu carries his little pig smashers with him, and they aren't even his partner's choice weapon. And I'm better than him, so why shouldn't I take one out for a"

Koda snorted, grabbing D'Artimas' robe as well, hanging it up before fetching his belt to replace the blade. "You could blow Dokugu apart with a mind-snap. All /you/ have to fear is Gibbons." He draped his weapon belt over his shoulder, the secured blades banging against his shoulder. "Now tell me the truth. Why'd you take my kutal, and how come you came back so early?"

D'Artimas remained tight-lipped, giving away nothing and continuing to stare openly at the shorter man. Koda huffed, more giving in than annoyed, and strolled to the bedroom. D'Artimas gave him a few seconds, before following Koda's steps. The weapon master was still hanging up the standard-issue robe, and D'Artimas fell onto the bed, sitting up once the bounce stopped. Koda glared at him. "Why can't you tell me? Did you go out and kill someone and plan to set me up with the evidence? Were you just scared to go to the range by yourself in the dark?"

D'Artimas laughed softly and shook his head. "No, no. None of those things. I simply feel better knowing that at least some piece of you is in my pockets."

Koda flushed brushly and his glare turned into a scowl. "Take my ring finger then. Sheesh, you already have my heart and a band; what else should you need?"


He didn't know how to take it; the conversation confused him suddenly, despite hearing similar claims plenty of times in the past. But why did think one bother him? Was it the way D'Artimas spoke? The way he looked without a heavy cape to mask his body?

D'Artimas was on his feet quicker than a running margaztte, and staring Koda down with his brilliant gaze. "Koda."

He shivered; whatever the mood, D'Artimas has a voice as sultry and free-flowing as crystal-clear water, riding in a small brook. And he knew it well. "D'Artimas."

The force of rough lips fell onto Koda's, his person pulled to the arts castor as tightly as possible, and uncalloused hands slipped unhindered through blue hair. But Koda wasn't concentrating on anything but the chilled mouth pressing into his own, D'Artimas' forever-icy lips sending even more cold-based shivers down his spine. But he loved it, the feel of D'Artimas against him, kissing him, touching him....even if he wasn't paying attention to most of it, choosing to single out which one he liked best.

He groaned deep in his throat and pulled away from D'Artimas, just enough to properly regain the bit of air lost. "D'Artimas...."

"Koda." The man's voice was thick and drowsy, not helping the other man's semi-aroused condition at all. "It's came to my attention tonight," he started, "that no matter how invincible we, as a team are, one of us will someday fall. Maybe it'll be me. And I want to make'll always remember /my/ kiss. My frozen lips on yours, when the rest of me is warm. Could you /ever/ forget how I kiss you, Koda?"

"No...." Koda murmured. "I could kiss a hundred other people; I could /fuck/ a hundred people, and I'll never forget who you were to me, what you do to me." He hissed, closing his eyes. "You have a unique style to everything, and sometimes, I wonder if you're human. ...But you have a heartbeat, so whatever you truly are, it's all good to me."

ordinary life, television, original

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