Oct 20, 2006 00:37
the golden grizzlies did great on horseback for their first show!!
by this i mean, the OU equestrian team rocked the house at the WMU meet. we got reserve champion!!! (which means second place out of all the schools) and our amazing katie krauss got reserve champion high point rider!!! (which means she got 2nd place out of 152 riders) w00t!! good job girls....i love you all. good start to the season. hopefully we'll do as well/better at this weekends U of M show.
other than that...life has been pretty crazy. i'm so busy with horses, school, and my social life and yet there's always so much more i need to do. matthew took me to see breaking benjamin and evans blue on tuesday. that was kickass. yay for me for surviving the moshpit area this time!! nothing like having 300 lb. shirtless, hairy men falling into you. lol.
matthew and i had our 2 year anniversary earlier this month. that was pretty amazing. he took me to the nicest restaurant ever and didn't think twice about treating me to our $91 meal....the best filet mignon ever!!! and Lord knows....i've eaten a lot of cows in my life, so i'd know what the best is.
oh yeah....and i've got a wicked bad cold right now. yay!!
so anyway....like i'm sure you know...i'm busy as hell and i need to work on my paper that's due tomorrow....and study for my 2 exams i have tomorrow....