[jp] what are you afraid of?

Sep 30, 2008 12:16

“What are you afraid of?”

“You want the truth?!” he screamed, whirling around to face the man behind him, standing a few feet away in the dimly lit garage. “I’m afraid of failing, okay? I’m afraid of fallin’ on my ass and screwing up worse than I have already! Because if I can’t get clean? That’s it, bro! That’s the end of the line, and I’m completely done.”

“You can’t know that, Tito!”

“Bet me!” he snarled, storming forward. “’Cause lemme level wit’ you, Mikey: if, no, when I fall off that wagon? I’m gonna cook me up the biggest hit I ever did and I’m gonna shit up…”

Trailing off, Nico dissolved into laughter at his flub, covering his face with both hands as the actor across from him lost control as well.

“Shit up heroin? Real nice, Nic.”

“Man, fugheddaboutit.” Nico snorted, shoving his co-star playfully.

As the director called ‘cut,’ Nico took the opportunity to step away for a second and collect himself. The scene was a hard one, with Tom Tom’s cousin finding out about his drug habit. He was doing okay, and pretty sure he could provide the needed tears that were coming up, but the place he had to go was a hard one.

Despair…it was like willingly walking into a room full of flu germs, he knew it was going to make him sick.

The only reason he hadn’t asked for a rewrite was due to the fact that Tom Tom was going to make it into rehab after his upcoming OD. It would allow for them to focus more on the PTSD and get rid of the drugs for the time being. They were treating the addiction plot with a healthy dose of respect for the illness, and when it was all said and done? Nico was sure that the performance was going to hit home with his audience. Hell, maybe even help someone out that needed that kick in the pants…

Still, the idea of getting inside Tom Tom’s head was scaring him.

His fear was forgotten, however, as he approached his chair, which was currently filled by the lithe, lovely body of his attractive new friend…one that he had absolutely no desire to hit on, and the day Nico Contarini turned down a piece of fine tail like that was the day Hell froze over. It was just one of the reasons she interested him.

And seeing her sitting there, waiting for him…for some strange reason, it made him sad. She’d been there two hours, but she could have been there for a lifetime…

Shaking off the melancholy feeling of déjà vu, he approached the Callahan girl and grinned, spreading his hands in a grand gesture.

“So, whatcha think of showbiz, bambina? Girl with your looks could get good work on a show like ours, ya know.”

Muse: Nico Contarini
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 480

where - rock soldiers set, jp - challenges, who - sassy callahan, just prompts

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