Jan 19, 2008 09:43
1. Drove a friend from work to pick up his car in Aberdeen where it had broken down. Hopefully this will buoy my Driving Karma because I hate driving so much. Also: turns out I'm getting dinner out of it.
2. Went to bed at a decent hour last night.
3. Spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday with a friend who makes me happy.
4. Squeezed some time in with another friend who makes me happy after our plans were weather-canceled.
5. Finished a project that had been nagging me.
6. Made Mom laugh.
7. Crossed a bunch of things off the whiteboard.
8. Made nice with a pit bull that terrifies me.
9. Did not sit and drink in my apartment when my going-out plans were canceled, simply because that's what I had my mind set on doing that night.
simple pleasures