(no subject)

Apr 27, 2006 20:19

Just doing a post on icons I've been making.. well, actually, I made all these except one a few months ago. Anyways.. on with the icons..

Most of these images (The Libertines related ones and the Radiohead one) are from Andrew Kendall And he's a really good music photographer. So I say check him out. I also have some Idlewild icons and a Stills icon...

Pete Doherty, The really small text says "You're so clever but you're not very nice" from the song "F**k Forever" by Babyshambles

Carl Barat and Pete Doherty. Lyrics from the song "Boys In The Band"

Carl and Pete Again, this time the lyrics are from "What Became Of The Likely Lads"

Pete Doherty. Lyrics from "The Good Old Days"

Carl Barat, this one was meant to be funny.

Carl and Pete AGAIN. The way there looking at eachother suited this lyrics. It's from "Can't Stand Me Now"

Thom Yorke from Radiohead, Lyrics are from there song "Street Spirit (Fade Out)"

These next ones are non Andrew Kendall pictures, I just picked the images off google... 4 Idlewild icons.


The Stills icon (Picture is a screenshot of there video for "Love and Death" and the lyrics are from the same song)

If anyone takes these.. just credit me, although I doubt anyone'll take em. haha.
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