Nov 29, 2005 18:22
hey everyone!!!'s been a really long time since i've posted on here. after this post, i'm gonna check out what you guys have been writing. well...first off....
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was the best!!! i luved that movie! i want to see it again and then that's it b/c i want to be totally excited to get the DVD, but it wouldn't really make any difference, i'd be excited anyways, even if i've seen it a millions times! *sigh* i must say, Daniel Radcliffe is hot! i luv him! that movie was freaking hilarious too! i laughed a lot in the first hald of the movie, but then it became depressing, where i cried twice. that's ok though, that makes it a good movie for me....laughter and crying.
Next!....hmmm...ya know i had a bunch of stuf to write, but i forgot a lot of it....damn'll come to me while i'm writing some other stuff......
I'm gonna go to the Christmas dance! woohoo! its one of those dances where you have to have a date, so i'm going with Jake! yay! now i have to get dates for caroline, lauren, and cait.....come on you guys we can do this! Caroline, that totally sucked with Collin! argh! i'll punch him! you got the "yes"'s but, they're not able to go.......come on! we're almost there!(there's Chris?! lol) i dont really want to go by myself...well i wouldn't mind it, but i wanted to do a group thing with you guys and i think Jake would feel uncomfortable to be around people he doesn't know. i hope Joseph will go with Lauen and i hope that Mark will go with Cait! *cross your fingers!*
I'll talk some more tomorrow or when i get a chance...i have hw to do and i have to do some more stuff on the internet.
lyl bye! ^_^