Dec 09, 2004 17:12
Cast of Characters:
George the bunny -played by- The black Goggles
Mimi -played by- Mimi
Furbs -played by- Furbs
Cleta -played by- Cleta
Narrator: One day at swim practice, a group of girls were taking a break at the end of their lane.
(mimi places goggles on furb's head)
Furbs-*gasp* is there a bunny on my head?
Cleta- What on earth are you talking about?
Mimi- Hahahah
Furbs- I said is there a bunny on my head (turns to mimi)
Mimi-Yes, there is a bunny on your head.
Cleta- I'm gonna turn around and pretend this never happened
FUrbs-No, don't. Don't you see the bunny on my head?
Cleta- No, I can't say that I do
Furbs- Well there is.
Mimi-I PUT IT THERE! (points to goggles) see??? there it is!
Cleta-Holy cow there really IS a bunny on your head!
Mimi and Furbs- Yippy(both clap)
Cleta- Wait does he have a name?
Mimi- His name is George.
Cleta- Hooray! I love George :-)
Mimi-I love george too.
Furbs-I love george the most.
end scene
Narrator: At the end of swim practice the girls were finishing their practice with a warm down. All of a sudden cleta broke out in song.
Cleta-(sings "I love george song", everyone claps and stares in amazement)
Furbs- Wow, what made you do that?
Cleta- I have no idea, all of a sudden I just needed to express my love for george.
(music plays and everyone slowely leaves the stage)
end scene
Narrator: Over the weekend Furbs and MImi were walkign down the street and they saw a most horrifying sight.
Mimi-Furbs...whats that? (points to something on the road)
Furbs- Is that....It can't be what i think it is. It just can't be.
Mimi-I think it is
Furbs-(gets down on knees and starts to cry)
Mimi-(walks over to Furbs, trys to cmfort her)
Furbs-NOT GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
end scene
Narrator: Later that night, mimi and cleta were online and they IMed furbs
Cleta-(typing) Hey guys whats up?
Furbs and Mimi-(typing) nothing much, how are you?
Cleta-Im okay. I'm getting a bad vibe though.
F and M-I would think so, we have bad news.
Cleta- uh oh....tell me
F+M- It's George...he's.....he's....
F+M- He's Dead Cleta. He's dead.
F+M-It's true.
Cleta-(types faster) NO HE IS NOT DEAD! I WONT BELIEVE IT! THERE IS NO WAY HE'S DEAD!!!!! (starts to cry uncontrolably)
F+M-it will be okay. We have to go. See you on monday.
Cleta- Meh...w/e...I don't think i can live without George.
end scene
Narrator: The weekend was long adn hard for the three girls. George had effected their lives greatly. Monday came around and when Mimi, furbs, and cleta arrived at the pool they could feel the prescence of their good friend George the bunny.
Cleta-It's going to be wierd witout him around you guys.
Cleta +Furbs-WHO???? GEORGE YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!
Cleta-NO ist NOT just OH. HOW COULD YOU FORGET HIM THAT FAST? He loved us adn now he's gone and all you can say is OH??? YOU ARE pathtic!
Furbs-Calm down, she probably didn't realize what we were talking about. Help me put my cap on and then we can start swimming.
(Puts cap on, all hop in a bunny)
end scene
Narrator: After swimming for a while, the girls took a break.
Mimi-I'm sorry about earlier.
Cleta- It's okay im over it. He was like a god though.
Furbs- He wasn't like a god...he WAS a god. You guys didn't know that?
Cleta-I knew there was something special about him.
Mimi-huh....I guesss that makes him our god then.
Cleta-I guess so. Shouldn't we have some kind of prayer or something?
Mimi- Maybe we should
(*Cleta throws up her arms and prays)'
Furbs-So is that what we'll do when we pray?
Cleta- Yes indeed.
Mimi+Furbs- Sounds good
(all throw hands up and pray)
Narrator: and SO, they prayed. George remained forever in tehir thoughts and he became the god of all things bizarro.