pitter patter

Jul 10, 2009 12:02

well hi there everyone!!!

This is my first post and well i really dunno wat 2 say so i'm just gonna say what's going on in my mind now hahahaa...well i live in the caribbean and well its raining pretty darn much here (god where the hell is the dam sun?!) its about 11:53 am here and sadly i'm home alone here desperately wantng to go out..i mean IT IS HOLIDAYS 4 GOD'S SAKE hahahahaha

you know i don't understand the whole concept of "lol" i dont use it (except for just now). I mean someone could just type "lol" and not mean anything...if anything they could be just trying to convince their friend that what they said was truly entertaining when in fact it was not even funny...i like to express myself...i mean saying hahahahahahha or hehehehehheehe or hohohohohohoho is more convincing....it does not necessarily mean that i find your joke funny....at least it leaves a lasting impression ;)

sighhhh going away from that now this wednesday...that is July the 15th is the premiere of harry potter...i think i'm going to it i'm not sure...it depends if my sis buys the ticket....but i really do wanna c that movie....i'm pretty still pissed with warner bros for the long delay but i hope it was worth the wait....i checked out Rotten Tomatoes( yes i know wonderful name isn't it?) and they've given it a 91% fresh review woooohooooo!!!!! i hope its good...in my opinion the 5th was utter disappointment...well the 5th book was my least favourite i mean harry seriously had some pms issues there hhahaaha..sorry but i didnt understand why jk rowling made him bash at everyone in almost every chapter...i mean yes i understand the frustration but at the same time gosh!!!!

today i was checking out mangafox.com looking for any updates on Nana (one of the best manga EVER) and on the foreum they said that Ai Yazawa was ill....i hope she gets better soon..not because i just want to the read the next chapter (although thats primarily the reason) but because i do have respect for her....i mean just check out her drawings...they are so BEAUTIFUL DAMMIT!!!! btw could anyone recommend some good ones to read cause you know i just want something new...

so far i've read

1. The One
2. Special A 
3. Nana
4. Paradise Kiss
5. Fruits Basket
6.Kaiken Phrase
7. Momo
8. Mars
9. Youth Gone Wild
10 Vampire Knight
11. After School Nightmere

*Black Spitz*

odd ;)

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