Scarborough Fair welcomes you.

Oct 15, 2010 06:40

One of many small projects I have begun in my new home is a small herb garden in the kitchen bay window looking out toward the back yard where I hope to soon put in a permanent vegetable and herb garden.

Some of the herbs I'm growing either from seed or purchased from a nursery. Seeds shown for clarity. Purchased plants noted below.

Some of the seedlings already sprouting:


Lemon Basil



Purchased herbs:


Parsley & Dill


Strawberry pot waiting for the seeds to sprout.

And just for fun, some Venus Fly Traps

Installed a shop light with plant grow lights, set with a timer to give supplemental light during the day and to turn off at night so the plants can rest and finish their photosynthesis cycle.

Using watering globes to keep each of the plants well watered

Plan to add a few more plants soon and put some curtains in the upper windows to accent them.

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