Jun 24, 2007 02:34
Not even tonight can stop me. XD
Tonight was sooo crazy. ; 3; I was on duty, and my building is all high schoolers in a summer program my school runs, so they have a curfew. Weekends is midnight... they all turn their IDs in. There are some high schoolers across the street, but not all are high schoolers. I went over there to take IDs, and when people don't turn them in I get to knock on their doors, and if they're not there I get to call their parents, etc. etc. etc. This can last for hours. Anyway... while I was over there, when I came back down to the lobby for the elevator, Kat (the RA on duty at that building, and one of my friends) was there with some girl who was totally drunk/passed out and the girl's friends. In the room we found toooons of alchohol and empty bottles and shit. Dealt with the whole long-ass thing and got back to the other building at 1:45am-ish, finished finding students in this building, and it is now 2:30am. BUT I WILL STILL GO TO THE PARADE because it's supposed to be awesome and I'm going with some people I just met that seem really nice.
And then I can sleep after that because I don't work for another two days. THANK GODS.
Because I've pulled 3 16-hour days already. Sheesh.
There's other stuff that some people will find hilarious that I'll post about later when I can go into more detail.
SUSIE: I read newest (not so new though?) chapter of LNOL and it = perfection <333333333333
JESS: I'm almost caught up on FP : DDDD I love it so far
DESIREE: YOU NEED TO COME VISIT. I mean I know you are but it needs to happen faster/now-ish or ...you know, yeah after I sleep. COME TOMORROW. Okay. Or not. I got all the days off that you're going to be here. 8D
B-CHAN: ...afrishnit. XU
And to everyone else, goodnight.