Drabble Set 01

Oct 18, 2006 22:30

Drabbles written from prompts on the table taken from creatngnewscars which she took from slash100.

Title: Drabble Set 01
Author: Me
Pairing: Various
Rating: G to PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.


Exhausted, Matt dropped down onto the bed, though he was careful to do so slowly and gently as to not wake his sleeping lover. Slipping his inked arms lightly around the tiny waist, he kissed the mess of fuzzy hair that had now come to rest against his chest and smiled softly. The minute form squeaked at suddenly being held so close and began to wriggle slightly until glittering eyes were gazing into Matt's amber orbs. Without a moment's hesitation, their lips met in a soft kiss, one set chapped and the other smooth as silk. As only a lover would, the other reached back to the bedside table and, being careful not to offend the vocalist, put a light layer of strawberry lip balm over his dry lips. Matt playfully nipped at the finger as it passed over his lips, causing the other to squeak once more and quickly draw the hand back in fear of it being bitten clean off the gentle hand that possessed it.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you," his lover taunted in a hushed voice.


NO. 49 [FALL]

Brandan had always enjoyed watching the leaves fall from the trees, creating splashes of bright color against the bleak sidewalks. So, naturally, he’d been a bit upset when he’d learned that Bleeding Through wouldn’t be touring at all during the fall. Resorting to desperate measures, he and James had curled up on the couch with a warm blanket one night and, at Brandan’s request, watched a tour of Vermont during the peak of its fall colors - with the TV on mute. To most, it seemed cheesy and quirky, but neither minded. If nothing else, it was a quiet night spent together on the couch, nestled in each other’s arms and whispering sweet nothings. To some, it may have been a night wasted, but to them, it was time well spent.



It had taken Matt seventeen years, forty thousand dollars, and a three-minute phone call to bring religion back into his life. It had only taken two words to turn his world upside down. All Duke had told him was “She’s gone.” The words had settled into the pit of Matt’s stomach like a scalding hot stone, the phone nearly falling from his fingers before he began vehemently shaking his head. “What do you mean, gone?” he’d nearly whimpered, hoping nobody was listening. All he’d gotten was a grim confirmation that his mother had passed that morning. Slamming the phone back on the hook, Matt hadn’t even waited for a warden to take him back to his cell. Tearing from the bank of phones, Matt had just run, not even paying attention to where he was going. He’d ended up in the chapel, down on his knees in front of the altar. The walls held stained glass panels, a relief from the dank gray cement of the rest of the prison, and as he bowed his head almost to his knees, his arms around his waist, the light caught him. Fresh from his shower when he’d gotten the call, he was still shirtless, the blood red light streaming in through the windows shone over his muscled and heavily inked torso. Finally looking up at the cross, he began to cry.

“Why?” he asked softly. “Why her? Just let her stay. I need her, you don’t understand! You can’t take her yet!” he cried out, his voice steadily rising until he was screaming at the crucifix upon the wall. He knew it was for the best, though. She’d been very sick and he knew she was no longer hurting anymore. Matt thought that perhaps He’d done the right thing.


NO. 55 [IF]

Johnny had a bad habit of asking ‘what if’. No matter what he thought of, there was always a ‘what if’ question. What if Matt lost his temper? What if he broke a string in the middle of a song? What if he got to the interview and Jimmy was so high on crack he wouldn’t want to be seen with him? What if Lacey found out Zacky was boning him? All in all, he just needed to stop worrying so much and relax. Matt kept telling him that if he frowned too much, his face was going to get stuck like that and there he’d be, a sour looking little troll. ‘But what if Matt is right?’ he’d wondered, mentally slapping himself when he’d realized what he’d done. Besides, Brian had warned him that if he heard ‘what if’ one more time, he’d slap him into the next week. Johnny was trying to keep that in mind.


NO. 28 [TOUCH]

The fingertips felt like wildfire as they sensuously grazed over his velvety hips, dipping into all the curves. Jimmy had always loved Johnny’s skin, constantly running his fingers over the smaller man’s lower back or arms as he passed by him during the day. At night, both as an excuse to touch him more and to keep both of them happy, he often massaged baby lotion into his back and sides, his long, skeletal fingers manipulating the pudgy boy beneath him. It was like stroking a baby’s cheek or caressing a rose petal, soft, pink, and beautiful. A calm tended to settle over their room when Jimmy began to gently caress Johnny’s soft body. Jimmy could never touch Johnny enough or feel his soft skin enough. It was just an addiction with no twelve-step program.



Despite the fact that neither was a virgin, their first night as a married couple was perfect. Now, nine months later, as Mick sat cradling his newborn son, James asleep next to him with his hands on his significantly smaller belly [at the start of the day, he’d been so big Mick had wondered how anybody could function like that]. He thought back to their wedding, both of them in black suits. James had worn a white shirt, preferring to take the role of the bride, while Mick had worn black to take the role of the groom. It had been a fairly small ceremony with just their families and closest friends, taking place in a small gazebo in a local garden. Red and white roses had blanketed the area, making both Mick and James thankful that the latter had remembered his allergy medicine for several days before hand. The ceremony had been sealed with the perfect kiss, though they had kept it chaste for the sake of their guests. There were, inevitably, however, cat calls from the peanut gallery.

avenged sevenfold, various

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