RBW 2008

Dec 01, 2008 21:44


Well, a hugely anticipated event for me finished last night with the final notes of the Dead Dog party fading into the distance...

RBW was a great experience for me. I had been looking forward to it for months (well, since RBW 2007!) and it did not disappoint. Sure, there were a few glitches, but it's hardly surprising considering the enormity of what the staff and volunteers put on for us. A first-time full three day convention in a huge venue was a heck of a thing to take on and the guys did us proud. If it wasn't for their unpaid efforts then none of us would have had the tremendous fun we've just had. I just wish I had more time to lend them a hoof, but for now I'll support them however else I can.

Highlights for this horse:

The London Eye trip. Superb views, superb company. If you can't guarantee clear sunny daylight, I reckon after dark is the best time to go. I often think London looks better at night than in daylight- the illumination is superb.

Friday night's Fursuit Dance. Back to Back Time Warp and Bloodhound Gang. Yes Please.

Saturday's Boat Party. Over a hundred Furs, many shaking their stuff in suit, drifting drunkenly down the Thames in a roomy cruiser. Do Want.

Sunday- Fatkraken's extreme fursuiting workshop (build one in an hour). Big Gay Lion was a triumph of hope over engineering. His 'follow me' eyes and fully detailed mouth were a masterpiece. Amazing what you can do with the contents of a bin. This was a cracking idea for a convention game, and I haven't laughed so much for a long, long time. Thanks Fatkraken!

And the Dead Dog party. Just when I was beginning to get a little miserable at the idea of it all being over, a chance to strut the stallion's stuff again. Brought my smile back.

And the best bits of all? Without question getting to meet all my fabulous furriends again, and make new ones. I'm not going to mention names because I'd hate to leave anyone out, but you all know who you are. In fact, really, it's all of you. I kind of feel I 'came home' when I found the Furry Fandom. There is nothing as easy as enjoying the company of like-minded friends.

Oh dear, I was taught never to start a sentence with 'and'. And I've just done it with two, er, three sentences.

Finally, probably the thing I've enjoyed most of all is getting to fursuit so much. The more I do it, the more I want to. Hell, I'd quite like to get Sponge Dob 2.1 out again right now... Ah well, next Saturday then.

*Wants pictures now*

To all of you, thanks for a great RBW. Will I be there next year? Do horses have hooves?

'Snip out.

report, highlights, thanks, fur con, fursuiting, rbw

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