I was bored, so I was just doodling during class. Well, it’s Design and Media class anyway. So you’re SUPPOSED to doodle… XD
It’s SHINee on Power Ranger costume, plus Yoogeun. Uuu… I just love them and Yoogeun together… >.<
Since it’s Power Ranger and there’s Yoogeun, I draw their hair from Hello Baby (RDD) era. Personally I like their hairstyle during that days, and it’s the easiest to distinguish which is who… :p
Well, not so much to tell, actually…
I draw them in SHINee’s standing order (Onew-Taemin-Jonghyun-Minho-Key). I dunno, it’s just perfect. Minho-Yoogeun-Key: Such perfect family picture, The Flaming Appa, The Diva Umma, and The cute son. And there’s JongTae… and Onew with a little of his sangtae-ness… ^^;
I promise I’ll color it… later.
I have so many things to do right now… +_+