Thursday, Feb. 17. 2:25 pm. I am currently trapped in a small dark room underneath the stage. I've been down here for about 10 minutes so far today (I was upstairs for the other hour and a half today), but was here for quite some time yesterday, too. That's right, folks, it's tech time! I'm the deck captain on this show, which is a glorified term meaning "grunt." My job during the show is to turn a giant heavy pipe which, in turn, turns the turntable on the stage (I don't think I used the word turn enough in this sentence yet, so I'm going to say turn a few more times: turn, turn, turn), and to open and close some doors and a drawer that contains a person. But for the doors and the drawer, I get to come out of this hole-pit and go backstage. Freedom!
Thus far, tech has been relatively uneventful and smooth as far as I can tell, but, being trapped in a hole, it's hard to tell. Can't hear or see anything going on, and the stage manager does not often talk to me. Just when it's time for me to do something. Yet, I am rather tired and sore. This could be due to being here for not quite nine and a half hours yesterday, the majority of which was spent wrestling with a giant pole (yes, I know that sounds wrong. There, I just saved you the trouble), and the last hour was spent lugging walls and such around. The beginning of today was also spent lugging walls around, but there were more people here today than last night, so while we were still only two to a wall, there were fewer walls each. The other reason I may be tired could be due to going to sleep around 5 am and getting up a little after 10.
I had a lovely time in NY, as always, which, as always, made me wish I lived and worked up there. But alas, I can't get an apt until I get a job, and I can't get a job until I get an apt. It's a vicious circle. It just keeps going and going. That's what makes it vicious. And a circle. (And if you know what that's from, you get bonus points. And maybe a prize!!!) Also, as always, many thanks to
blackdeathdenia and
scrogers, but even more so this time for driving me to/from the airport (Nico, you are teh awesome). At any rate, in general a good time was had - Friday geekdom was indulged, Saturday
dumspirospero and I went into the city, grabbed a bite, and saw The Aviator. Good lord, I have no idea why that film has 11 nominations. Mr. Scorsese, please learn to step back and let the editor do his/her job. And please stop casting Mr. DiCrapio. K, thanks, bye. We also stopped by the Virgin Megastore, since we had some time to kill before the movie, which resulted in me buying copies of Bubba Ho-tep and In the Mouth of Madness. Sunday was spent hanging out with Nico and Steve, and we, along with the Amy-Gretchen unit, went to dinner at the Bayou. While we were there, Becky called, so once we got back to Hill House, she came down and hung out, and we broke out the digicams and acted foolish and took many pictures, pretending we were taking those drunken Friendster shots. On Monday I went to Joe's class with Nico, and afterwards I hung out with
cellis for a while. She introduced me to Firefly. I must see more of it (we only watched the pilot). Later,
brassidiot and I got food from the Argonaut delivered, since everywhere else would've been closed, and everyone else had already eaten. Tuesday, however, I got up, borrowed some books and Neverwhere from Amanda, then went into town with Becky and Nehemiah, where Becky got passport photos and we all got lunch at Pete's. Like I said, in general, a good time. Just wish I had been able to see more people, and that I had had longer up there, and that I lived and worked there. It's a vicious circle. It just keeps going and going. That's what makes it vicious. And a circle. (Thought I'd share that with you all again).
It's almost 5 now. I've spent most of today backstage rather than in the hole. Quite different from yesterday. Also means I haven't been where my computer is. I've been reading Musashi instead. I wish this theatre had wireless, like some others do. Hell, I wish I had any connection at all whilst in this hole. I also wish my car was alive again. Must call the shop tomorrow and see how things are going.
I seem to make either no posts, pointless meme posts, or rambling long posts that also have no point and that nobody reads. Why do I suck at life? (These points are not related). I think I'll go back to reading, now.
I'm home now. It's only a quarter past 8. This is highly unexpected, as I thought tech was going until 10 again tonight. But they had given me the wrong schedule, and it was only going until 7. Tomorrow it'll be until 8. Then the real problem day comes...have to be there at like 7:30 am on Saturday. That is an ungodly hour and should be destroyed.