[OOC] Powers + Permissions

Sep 22, 2019 22:08

This is a post briefly explaining Kaoru's powers as well as the five power factions in her series. At the bottom of the post is a permissions form. If you can fill it out for me, that'd be super. <3

It got kinda tl;dr so feel free to skip the first section if you're feeling lazy. XDb


In Juvenile Orion, anyone and everyone with powers is referred to generally as "psychics", however, there are five factions of power users. These factions have been feuding for thousands of years and are the basic source of conflict in the series. The five main factions are described below, or you can check out more detailed descriptions over here.

E.G.O.: Officially named the "Evolutional Girls Organization," these are actual psychics as most people know them. Telepaths, telekinetics, empaths, mind readers and the like belong to this group. Don't be fooled by the name; boys can also be members of E.G.O.

Arayashiki: Eastern spell casters make up the Arayashiki group. Typically brings to mind martial arts enhanced by spiritual powers, blessed by the powers of the gods and nature. As an example, onmyoji, ninjas and shrine priestesses would be Arayashiki.

Wiz-Dom: In case their punny name wasn't obvious enough, Wiz-Dom is made up of the Western magic users, directly opposite Arayashiki. This group covers traditional magic as well as holy powers; many Wiz-Dom are priests and demon hunters with powers granted from God. Harry Potter would be a member of this faction.

Darklore: Monsters, demons, legendary creatures of every shape and size, come on down. The Darklore faction covers both these creatures as well as their descendants. Got a werewolf or sparkly bloodsucker? They go here. As the wiki says, everything but angels and dragons can be lumped under Darklore.

Eraser: These guys are the weird ones. The Erasers are a mysterious battle fleet of aliens that came to Earth one day and decided to get involved in the fight. Why? Who the hell knows. They typically appear as "angels" and possess advanced technology, controlling various cyborgs and androids. It's not quite accurate, but for the purpose of the game all aliens can fall under this category.

There is a sixth faction known as the Polestar Empire, that is mentioned only in passing in the manga and takes the place of the Erasers after the latter group leaves Earth. Not much is known but they supposedly come from an alternate dimension. If you were wondering where the dragons went in Darklore, they fall under this group. No, I don't know why.


Finally, there are the Mindbreakers. Mindbreakers are powerful psychics in their own right, but unlike E.G.O. they don't possess the typical powers like telepathy or psychic attacks. Instead, they have the unique ability to control the powers (and minds) of all the other power-users. Exactly how they do what they do is not known, but they do it very well; Mindbreakers are feared by the other groups and the presence of one during a battle is a pretty sure sign of who to bet on. They are not a proper faction because each Mindbreaker has their own goals and works separately.

This is what Kaoru is. Since childhood she has been able to sense the souls of other creatures and control their actions. This can be innocent as calling flocks of birds to her with a thought or go as far as forcing a person to kill themselves or others. Just being around her is enough to sense her power; even a normal person can tell she isn't normal. Looking in her eyes can give a person chills and a sense of fear.

As a Mindbreaker, she is capable of taking this further when it comes to people with powers. With merely eye contact and a push of will, she can create a bond between herself and anyone she wishes. That person is now referred to as "mindbroken." Once she has mindbroken a person, they will call her master and follow her orders with unquestioning loyalty, driven by a need to protect her. As their master, Kaoru becomes capable of regulating their power levels: unlocking potential and tapping into depths of ability and strength they never knew they had, or shutting their power away completely. Some of her followers allowed her control for this very reason; with her enhancing their abilities they could be far stronger than before.



How 'clean' is your character's soul? This can be a simple measure of 1-10 with 1 being "pure as the damn driven snow" and 10 being "black as sin and twice as ugly" or you can go more in depth. I'd prefer if you did, because this will affect somewhat how Kaoru reacts to you. Whatever you think would be helpful; the limitations on what Kaoru can sense are very vague. Please note: This doesn't refer just to whether they are good or bad; this is more related to how innocent they are. A completely jaded person who has seen terrible things can still be good; however, their soul wouldn't be 'clean'. A person who is heroic and good but a complete pervert also wouldn't have a clean soul.
What are your character's powers? Psychics can tell, presumably from the type of energy, what faction (see above) a person is. Which faction(s) do you think your character would fall under? You can just pick one, or pick several, or just describe your character's general abilities. If your character doesn't have powers, just say that here.
Can Kaoru mindbreak/control you? This is the option for plotting and/or telling me what lines not to cross! If you'd rather not become the plaything of a psychopath, that's fine. However, she will be using her general mind control very often. Steer clear of meeting her in person if you want to avoid this.

EDIT: Please note, Kaoru's not going to just mindslave everyone she comes across. Even in canon she only takes in "strays" as it were, people who were at least partially willing to fight for her. Some of them just wanted to be stronger and saw her as a way to do that. Obviously the only way anything would happen is if the plot goes that way! If that happens there will be much discussion, of course. This is just a chance for you to say "hey let's have our characters interact" if you want; the question about your character's soul is much more important.

ONE MILLION EDITS: I have to add another note about this. Kaoru makes rather...efficient use of her general mind control. Willpower can be used to fight it, but it does take a bit of real effort or power. As for mindbreaking, it's a bit harder to justify fighting it. In canon, controlling the other power users is a Mindbreaker's specific purpose and there is no real defense against it. They don't go poking around in your brain, they just...take control. They're called Mindbreakers for a reason. If this sounds like godmode-ing, that's because it is. Juvenile Orion is based on the Aquarian Age card game, where the player assumes the role of "Mindbreaker" to control the cards (this does in fact include reincarnations of gods, but only Mary Sue main characters get to tame gods >>; /cough). They are canonly very dangerous for that reason; you can't fight them, and once you're theirs, that's it. There's no shaking it off or question about whether they can maintain control unless another Mindbreaker tries to interfere. This will obviously be less powerful in game and I will ALWAYS ask permission if we interact, but these are the canon facts. I don't want anyone to think I'm just trying to godmode.

!permissions, !info, !ooc

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