Title: Set You Free
Genre: Angst
Pairing: broken!yunjae, implied jaemin
Length: drabble
Warning: Un-beta
If loving you is all that means to me
When being happy is all I hope you'd be
Then loving you must mean
I really have to set you free....
--- Side A, Set You Free
It’s been years since me and Jaejoong first started dating. I remember our first date. How we both snuck out of our apartment that we shared with Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin. How we both went to the park and braved the harsh winter’s night. How I taught Jae how to ice-skate. How our hands intertwined with each other as we glide on the ice and laughed as we do so. How the fleck of snow got caught in his eyelash and how our breaths mingled together. How our kiss was the sweetest kiss I have shared with someone. And how I remember when Jaejoong said, that he loves with all his heart, and how I to felt the same way.
But lately, I noticed how he would flinch whenever I tried to touch him. How he would reply to me with 'me too' whenever I say I love you. I remember whenever I would initiate any form of intimate contact he would tell m ‘Mianhe Yunho~yah, I’m just really tired today.’ then promptly goes to hi own edroom. Not the one we shared.
I don’t know when it happened, when something changed between me and Jae.
Was it was my fault for not seeing it at once?
How Jaejoong and Changmin would look at each other’s eyes a moment too long. or how some of their “one touches” more intense in a different way. How their touches would linger and how they would share this smile, like they know a secret that no one else knows.
I remember one time I had my arm wrapped around Jaejoong’s shoulder; I was laughing and smiling as I talked to Yoochun. For a moment my eyes drifted to where Changmin was and I saw the look of hurt and longing in his eyes. I never paid enough attention as I thought maybe it was the one Changmin and Jaejoong talked about before on a cold night in the kitchen. He and Jaejoong were talking about how Changmin was in love with someone and couldn’t actually touch and show his love to that person because he’s with someone else. Maybe if I paid enough attention, I would have known immediately. Would put a meaning on the stolen glances, linger touches and hidden sweet smiles that Jaejoong and Changmin shared when they thought no one was looking.
I wasn’t looking.
They weren’t together. That I know for sure. Jaejoong and Changmin would never do that to me. But every moment, that I’m aware that Jaejoong smiles aren’t for me anymore how his smiles that once was mine is now for someone else; it’s hard.
But what else can I do?
I can’t keep Jaejoong when I know he’s not mine anymore.
I love him
He doesn’t love me anymore. I know.
It’s hard.
But I have no choice but to let him go.
A/N: this was written on a whim. i don't know what got into me when i started to write yunjae. I'm possessed. Call the Winchesters and Castiel to exorcise me.!
--- I'm sorry Yunho, just come to me and I'll love you forever.
there must have be lots of grammar mistakes and what not. forgive your humble writer. i'm not that good in english. hehe. this is also a song fic i guess.. its a very beautiful and sad song. listen to it if you have time.. :)