Story tweeting update

Jun 02, 2009 08:05

As I mentioned earlier, I competed last week in the "Tweet Me a Story" contest, which involved submitting 140 character "stories."  We were allowed to submit up to 3, and then they would pick the top 15 in each group.  There were 24 people in my group, and we had to include the word "Sharp" in the story.

So, they picked the top 15 stories in my group, and all three of of mine are in there.  This makes me wonder if anyone else submitted stuff, but whatever.  I'm in there three times, therefore I am awesome.

Anyway, starting at 9AM this morning, they'll be collecting votes on the best stories, and the top 5 from each group will go on to the finals.  I have no clue who votes, but if you can, vote for me!
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